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Trying to modify Existing Script For pop up viewer


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Right now it is a image viewer. once you click on a thumbnail it opens an image like so: http://www.jaybirdfolio.com/Gallery.htm


But i want to modify it where it opens a html page within the vewer insted of a image.


My current code, dosent work:


<a href="http://www.jaybirdfolio.com/Donation_Business.htm" rel="thumbnail" title="Free Template">Download...</a>


Here is the JavaScript for the viewer:


var thumbnailviewer={
enableTitle: true, //Should "title" attribute of link be used as description?
enableAnimation: true, //Enable fading animation?
definefooter: '<div class="footerbar">CLOSE X</div>', //Define HTML for footer interface
defineLoading: '<img src="loading.gif" /> Loading Image...', //Define HTML for "loading" div

/////////////No need to edit beyond here/////////////////////////

scrollbarwidth: 16,
opacitystring: 'filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.alpha(opacity=10); -moz-opacity: 0.1; opacity: 0.1',
targetlinks:[], //Array to hold links with rel="thumbnail"

//write out HTML for Image Thumbnail Viewer plus loading div
document.write('<div id="thumbBox" onClick="thumbnailviewer.closeit()"><div id="thumbImage"></div>'+this.definefooter+'</div>')
document.write('<div id="thumbLoading">'+this.defineLoading+'</div>')
this.thumbImage=document.getElementById("thumbImage") //Reference div that holds the shown image
this.thumbLoading=document.getElementById("thumbLoading") //Reference "loading" div that will be shown while image is fetched
this.standardbody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body //create reference to common "body" across doctypes

centerDiv:function(divobj){ //Centers a div element on the page
var ie=document.all && !window.opera
var dom=document.getElementById
var scroll_top=(ie)? this.standardbody.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset
var scroll_left=(ie)? this.standardbody.scrollLeft : window.pageXOffset
var docwidth=(ie)? this.standardbody.clientWidth : window.innerWidth-this.scrollbarwidth
var docheight=(ie)? this.standardbody.clientHeight: window.innerHeight
var docheightcomplete=(this.standardbody.offsetHeight>this.standardbody.scrollHeight)? this.standardbody.offsetHeight : this.standardbody.scrollHeight //Full scroll height of document
var objwidth=divobj.offsetWidth //width of div element
var objheight=divobj.offsetHeight //height of div element
var topposition=(docheight>objheight)? scroll_top+docheight/2-objheight/2+"px" : scroll_top+10+"px" //Vertical position of div element: Either centered, or if element height larger than viewpoint height, 10px from top of viewpoint
divobj.style.left=docwidth/2-objwidth/2+"px" //Center div element horizontally

showthumbBox:function(){ //Show ThumbBox div
if (this.enableAnimation){ //If fading animation enabled
this.currentopacity=0.1 //Starting opacity value
this.opacitytimer=setInterval("thumbnailviewer.opacityanimation()", 20)

loadimage:function(link){ //Load image function that gets attached to each link on the page with rel="thumbnail"
if (this.thumbBox.style.visibility=="visible") //if thumbox is visible on the page already
this.closeit() //Hide it first (not doing so causes triggers some positioning bug in Firefox
var imageHTML='<img src="'+link.getAttribute("href")+'" style="'+this.opacitystring+'" />' //Construct HTML for shown image
if (this.enableTitle && link.getAttribute("title")) //Use title attr of the link as description?
imageHTML+='<br />'+link.getAttribute("title")
this.centerDiv(this.thumbLoading) //Center and display "loading" div while we set up the image to be shown
this.thumbImage.innerHTML=imageHTML //Populate thumbImage div with shown image's HTML (while still hidden)
this.featureImage=this.thumbImage.getElementsByTagName("img")[0] //Reference shown image itself
this.featureImage.onload=function(){ //When target image has completely loaded
thumbnailviewer.thumbLoading.style.visibility="hidden" //Hide "loading" div
thumbnailviewer.showthumbBox() //Display "thumbbox" div to the world!
if (document.all && !window.createPopup) //Target IE5.0 browsers only. Address IE image cache not firing onload bug: panoramio.com/blog/onload-event/
this.featureImage.onerror=function(){ //If an error has occurred while loading the image to show
thumbnailviewer.thumbLoading.style.visibility="hidden" //Hide "loading" div, game over

setimgopacity:function(value){ //Sets the opacity of "thumbimage" div per the passed in value setting (0 to 1 and in between)
var targetobject=this.featureImage
if (targetobject.filters && targetobject.filters[0]){ //IE syntax
if (typeof targetobject.filters[0].opacity=="number") //IE6
else //IE 5.5
else if (typeof targetobject.style.MozOpacity!="undefined") //Old Mozilla syntax
else if (typeof targetobject.style.opacity!="undefined") //Standard opacity syntax
else //Non of the above, stop opacity animation

opacityanimation:function(){ //Gradually increase opacity function
if (this.currentopacity>1)

if (typeof this.opacitytimer!="undefined")

closeit:function(){ //Close "thumbbox" div function

cleanup:function(){ //Clean up routine on page unload
if (this.featureImage) this.featureImage.onload=null
for (var i=0; i<this.targetlinks.length; i++)

dotask:function(target, functionref, tasktype){ //assign a function to execute to an event handler (ie: onunload)
var tasktype=(window.addEventListener)? tasktype : "on"+tasktype
if (target.addEventListener)
target.addEventListener(tasktype, functionref, false)
else if (target.attachEvent)
target.attachEvent(tasktype, functionref)

init:function(){ //Initialize thumbnail viewer script by scanning page and attaching appropriate function to links with rel="thumbnail"
if (!this.enableAnimation)
var pagelinks=document.getElementsByTagName("a")
for (var i=0; i<pagelinks.length; i++){ //BEGIN FOR LOOP
if (pagelinks[i].getAttribute("rel") && pagelinks[i].getAttribute("rel")=="thumbnail"){ //Begin if statement
thumbnailviewer.stopanimation() //Stop any currently running fade animation on "thumbbox" div before proceeding
thumbnailviewer.loadimage(this) //Load image
return false
this.targetlinks[this.targetlinks.length]=pagelinks[i] //store reference to target link
} //end if statement
//Reposition "thumbbox" div when page is resized
this.dotask(window, function(){if (thumbnailviewer.thumbBox.style.visibility=="visible") thumbnailviewer.centerDiv(thumbnailviewer.thumbBox)}, "resize")

} //END init() function


thumbnailviewer.createthumbBox() //Output HTML for the image thumbnail viewer
thumbnailviewer.dotask(window, function(){thumbnailviewer.init()}, "load") //Initialize script on page load
thumbnailviewer.dotask(window, function(){thumbnailviewer.cleanup()}, "unload")


Can this be done with this script or should i explore other avenues.




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