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Linking from a popup


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A popup shows the latest news.


I want to link to a blog from the popup. But the link brings the blog page into the same size as the popup.


target="_blank" doesn't help.


I've tried by having a separate page that is a sort of stepping stone to the blog. But this go-between page adopts the size of the popup too.


I've tried various javascripts, but they still allow the blog page to stick to the popup size.


Fortunately, there's always suicide. However, before that, I'm trying the excellent gurus of phpfreaks. Help, please!!!

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Cheers, wildteen88, but sadly it doesn't. The blog webpage still insists on squeezing into the popup. But there has to be a way - lots of advertising popup direct to urls in normal page sizes. (Sorry about offering this in the wrong spot. Thanks for moving it over.)

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Hi Zonkd,


This probably can be done by a small javascript written in your pop up page. Something like:

function openNew(){

var win=null;






<a href="javascript:openNew()">Click here</a>


win=window.open("http://www.yahoo.com","mywin","",true); ==> will open yahoo.com in a new window.

window.close(); ==> Will simultaneously close the popup after opening yahoo.com in a new window.



Please note that this works well in IE and Moz FF.

(In Moz FF provided the user has selected the option of opening links in new window rather than a new tab)


Hope that I am helpful.







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