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Can anybody test this site to see if you can get access to my 'special page' by using the password login (not just... going there)?


Right now, the main Phpfreaks.com site seems to be down, so I can't get to any tutorials to try and learn more security stuff.



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Well, I know storing the password text-wise is bad, but right now, I've got no other way of doing it (want to keep it file-based). Is there a way of just storing the md5?


$passwordFromLogin = $_POST['passwrd'];
$passwordEncrypted = md5($passwordFromLogin);

$passwordText = "text_form_of_password_saved_here";
$encryptedPass = md5($passwordText);

if ($passwordEncrypted == $encryptedPass)
	echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
	echo 'window.location = "http://flyingisfun1217.freeweb7.com/gallery/mySpecialPage.php"';
	echo '</script>';
	echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
	echo 'window.location = "http://flyingisfun1217.freeweb7.com/gallery/error.php"';
	echo '</script>';




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Actually, I'm using a stored MD5 hash (in a cookie) check against that of the site password. Might think about sessions later, but for now, I'll focus on getting my cookie check to work, and make sure my thumbnail (picture gallery I'm 'creating') generation works right.


Thanks again for your help, and sorry for being hasty in the one post ;)



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