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Help in database design and php logic


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a long post but hope someone can help :)


i need to do a system as follows


its a employee claims system where employees can claim medical expenses etc. they will submit a claim request (this part has no problems) basically a form. then this claim will need to be forwarded to 0 (in the case of a boss for example) to many "managers" from what i understand. then finally it will reach the finance department.


as for database design, i was thinking:


Users table

- UserID

- Username

- Password



"ClaimSequence" < (dunno what to name it) table

- ID

- UserID          - UserID of the employee who submitted the claim

- Number          - Sequence number of the manager   

- ManagerID      - UserID of Manager in charge

- NextManager  - UserID of the next manager in charge


abit abstract so i will give an example:


say managers man1, man2 needs to approve my claim

the admin when registering me will set that


ClaimSequence 1:

- UserID        - ME

- Number        - 1 - indicating the 1st manager

- ManagerID    - UserID of "man1"

- NextManager - UserID of "man2"


ClaimSequence 2:

- UserID        - ME

- Number        - 2 - indicating the 2nd manager

- ManagerID    - UserID of "man2"

- NextManager - NULL - indicating no more managers, or maybe the finance ppl in charge, i'll probably ask if the finance is fixed people doing it for all employees anot...


what do u think of this?


then for the 2nd part to have "Management/Finance" being able to see and approve/process claims of subordinates/colleagues they are in charge of. maybe i dont need this? cos i just do like a

if UserID IN ClaimSequence.ManagerID then able to see the page something like that


i can do a Roles table and put people with management/finance roles and able to see respective pages?

which is better?


what kind of Accerss control is best? i normally use restrict access to page server behaviour but think ts not really efficient. is there somtthing like web.config like in ASP that i can restrict access by folder?

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A lot depends on what software you plan to use

If you have an app framework like Cake or Symfony in PHP, for example, you can merrily do a lot of good things pretty quickly - including roles/permissions tables and stuff like that.

OTOH, if the app is smallish and has not much complexity behind it, and maybe will not scale up either, then a few ugly hacks can do the job.

how much time do you have and finally, how much is it worth... ;)

if it's something you would like to put on your CV/Bio then do it good, with a full framework et al, even if it's a bit slow coz i don't see a traffic of more than 10 users per second.

perl users sometimes use flat files for small apps (sounding just like this one)  :D

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