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[SOLVED] Image disappears when FF browser is refreshed

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I am tinkering about with CSS and try to create a tabbed effect nav display.

Basically I have 3 tabs that show a div layer when clicked, within one of these tabs I want to display some thumbnails. I have got it working in IE as I want but when I try it in FF and refresh the browser the first thumbnail disappears. I think I have read somewhere about this problem but I can not find the info again. Here is the full code.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<script type="text/JavaScript">
//here you place the ids of every element you want.
var ids=new Array('pictures','video','text','misc');

function switchid(id){	

function hideallids(){
//loop through the array and hide each element by id
for (var i=0;i<ids.length;i++){

function hidediv(id) {
//safe function to hide an element with a specified id
if (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6
	document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';
else {
	if (document.layers) { // Netscape 4
		document.id.display = 'none';
	else { // IE 4
		document.all.id.style.display = 'none';

function showdiv(id) {
//safe function to show an element with a specified id
if (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6
	document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
else {
	if (document.layers) { // Netscape 4
		document.id.display = 'block';
	else { // IE 4
		document.all.id.style.display = 'block';

<style type="text/css">
.tabs {
background-image: url(images/footer-1.png);
height: 25px;
width: 100px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
<style type="text/css">
  margin: 2px;
  border: 1px solid #0000ff;
  height: auto;
  width: auto;
  float: left;
  text-align: center;
div.img img
  display: inline;
  margin: 3px;
  border: 1px solid #ffffff;
div.img a:hover img {border: 1px solid #0000ff;}
  text-align: center;
  font-weight: normal;
  width: 120px;
  margin: 2px;

<p>Try these: <a href="javascript:switchid('pictures');">View pictures</a>
<a href="javascript:switchid('video');">View videos</a>
<a href="javascript:switchid('text');">View blog</a>
<a href="javascript:switchid('misc');">Misc</a></p>
<div class="tabs"><a href="javascript:switchid('pictures');">View pictures</a></div>
<p> </p>

<div id='pictures' style="display:block; width: 600px; background-color: #FFFF99; height: 400px;">
	<h2>Sample text:</h2>
	<p><b>Jean-Paul Sartre, (1905-1980)</b> born in Paris in 1905, studied at the Ecole 
	Normale Superieure from 1924 to 1929 and became Professor of Philosophy at Le Havre
	in 1931. With the help of a stipend from the Institut Francais he studied in Berlin
	(1932) the philosophies of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. After further teaching
	at Le Havre, and then in Laon, he taught at the Lycee Pasteur in Paris from 1937 to 1939.
	Since the end of the Second World War, Sartre has been living as an independent writer. </p>
	  <div class="galleryimages">
<div class="img">
<a target="_blank" href="#"><img src="images/sample.jpg" alt="Sample" width="110" height="90" /></a>
<div class="desc">Add a description of the image here</div>
<div class="img">
<a target="_blank" href="#"><img src="images/sample.jpg" alt="Sample" width="110" height="90" /></a>
<div class="desc">Add a description of the image here</div>
<div class="img">
<a target="_blank" href="#"><img src="images/sample.jpg" alt="Sample" width="110" height="90" /></a>
<div class="desc">Add a description of the image here</div>
<div class="img">
<a target="_blank" href="#"><img src="images/sample.jpg" alt="Sample" width="110" height="90" /></a>
<div class="desc">Add a description of the image here</div>

<div id='video' style="display:none; width: 600px; background-color: #FFFF99;">
	<h3>More on JPS</h3>
	<p>The conclusions a writer must draw from this position were set forth in 
	" Qu'est-ce que la litterature?" (What Is Literature?), 1948: literature is
	no longer an activity for itself, nor primarily descriptive of characters 
	and situations, but is concerned with human freedom and its (and the author's)
	commitment. Literature is committed; artistic creation is a moral activity. Jean-Paul Sartre, (1905-1980) born in Paris in 1905, studied at the Ecole 
	Normale Superieure from 1924 to 1929 and became Professor of Philosophy at Le Havre
	in 1931. With the help of a stipend from the Institut Francais he studied in Berlin
	(1932) the philosophies of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. After further teaching
	at Le Havre, and then in Laon, he taught at the Lycee Pasteur in Paris from 1937 to 1939.
	Since the end of the Second World War, Sartre has been living as an independent writer.</p>

<div id='text' style="display:none; width: 600px; background-color: #FFFF99;">
	<p>Yet more content. This can be anything in here, html, pictures.. flash ...
	Jean-Paul Sartre, (1905-1980) born in Paris in 1905, studied at the Ecole 
	Normale Superieure from 1924 to 1929 and became Professor of Philosophy at Le Havre
	in 1931. With the help of a stipend from the Institut Francais he studied in Berlin
	(1932) the philosophies of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. After further teaching
	at Le Havre, and then in Laon, he taught at the Lycee Pasteur in Paris from 1937 to 1939.
	Since the end of the Second World War, Sartre has been living as an independent writer.</p>

<div id='misc' style="display:none; width: 600px; background-color: #FFFF99;">
	<h3>This content is in a div with id "thicanbeanything"</h3>	
		<p>Sartre is one of those writers for whom a determined philosophical position is the 
		centre of their artistic being. Although drawn from many sources, for example, 
		Husserl's idea of a free, fully intentional consciousness and Heidegger's existentialism,
		the existentialism Sartre formulated and popularized is profoundly original. 
		Its popularity and that of its author reached a climax in the forties, and Sartre's 
		theoretical writings as well as his novels and plays constitute one of the main inspirational
		sources of modern literature. In his philosophical view atheism is taken for granted; the
		"loss of God& is not mourned. Man is condemned to freedom, a freedom from all authority,
		which he may seek to evade, distort, and deny but which he will have to face if he is to
		become a moral being. The meaning of man's life is not established before his existence.
		Once the terrible freedom is acknowledged, man has to make this meaning himself, has to 
		commit himself to a role in this world, has to commit his freedom. And this attempt to
		make oneself is futile without the &solidarity& of others.</p>


the image that disappears is the first one of this piece of code


<div class="galleryimages">
<div class="img">
<a target="_blank" href="#"><img src="images/sample.jpg" alt="Sample" width="110" height="90" /></a>
<div class="desc">Add a description of the image here</div>
<div class="img">
<a target="_blank" href="#"><img src="images/sample.jpg" alt="Sample" width="110" height="90" /></a>
<div class="desc">Add a description of the image here</div>
<div class="img">
<a target="_blank" href="#"><img src="images/sample.jpg" alt="Sample" width="110" height="90" /></a>
<div class="desc">Add a description of the image here</div>
<div class="img">
<a target="_blank" href="#"><img src="images/sample.jpg" alt="Sample" width="110" height="90" /></a>
<div class="desc">Add a description of the image here</div>


what is the solution to this problem in FF


Many thanks



Without a link to a live page, its almost impossible to say.


As a side note, you should always code in a standards-compliant browser (FF, Safari, Opera) then after you get it working, adjust it for IE, as it's a non-standards compliant browser.

There are lots of books out there on CSS, most of them are probably pretty good. Check out some reviews on amazon.com to see what people say.


Your problem: as I said before, without a link to a live site, it's hard to say. But, I would say there is a good chance your code isn't valid. You can check your code's validity here: http://validator.w3.org/


Fix any validation errors that come up, and then come back here.

I just tried it on my work PC (I tried it at home earlier) and again I couldn't see the problem.


I'm using Firefox/ on WIN XP now. I don't know which firefox I am using at home, but I suspect its the same.


Maybe I'm not understanding the problem? Which image exactly is it that isn't showing up?

Hi again thanks again for your time this problem is annoying.


I have put some details on the page explaining the effect and added another row of images to show how the top row of images should look.

Hi again thanks again for your time this problem is annoying.


I have put some details on the page explaining the effect and added another row of images to show how the top row of images should look.


After some more investigation I find that the first image used is not visible but if I right click and view image it shows it. I think the problem may be a bug in FF.

I placed the thumbnail gallery at the start of the page and again the image fails to show.

I have found out the solution to my problem, at last.


It appears to be the FireFox plugin (RealPlayer Browser Plugin 1.0)


It seems to be stopping the first image from being viewed using javascript in my code, if you have the same problem then try this.



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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