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I am trying to implement some pre-written pagination code I found with my code. It is using a mysql_result with straight <td> </td> tags, and I have somewhat more complicated tags with an if statement enclosed in a input tag, making is near impossible for me to get the pre-written code to work for me. (for space sakes, I did not display the non-applicable code that is before and after [for the rest of the table] or the connection code).


Here is the pre-written example:

//The usual "Let's push elements onto an array" deal.

for($i=0; $i<$display_rows-$padding; $i++)
{    echo '<tr>';
    for($j=0; $j<$display_columns; $j++)
    {    echo '<td>',$all_columns[$j][$i],'</td>';
    echo '</tr>';


And the part I am stuck on is my equivalent of the <TD></TD> tags are...


<td width="196" align=left style="padding-left:40px" nowrap="nowrap">
<input name="Products[1]" id="dy_rating_chk_1" type="checkbox" tabindex="29" value="1" <?php if(isset($_SESSION['products'][1])) { echo ' checked'; } ?>>
The Great Depression</td>


And my attempt to mix my code with the $display_columns was a feeble disaster.




for($i=0; $i<$display_rows-$padding; $i++)
{    echo '<tr>';
    for($j=0; $j<$display_columns; $j++)
    {    echo '<td width="196" align=left style="padding-left:40px" nowrap="nowrap"><input name="Products['.$i.']" id="dy_rating_chk_'.$i.'" type="checkbox" tabindex="29" value="'.$i.'"';
    if(isset($_SESSION['products'][$i])) { echo ' checked'; }
    echo $all_columns[$j][$i].'</td>';
    echo '</tr>';


Which should have gave me 3 colums, 11 items all with names and check boxes.


What I got 3 columns, 6 check boxes in the top 2 row with no names, and 4 names in the bottom 2 rows with no check boxes.


As always, I appreciate the guidance, and help.




Well I got closer with this...


// Handle the last $padding rows specially, by ignoring the last column.
for(/*$i already has the correct value*/; $i<$display_rows; $i++)
{    echo '<tr>';
    for($j=0; $j<$display_columns-1; $j++)
    {    echo '<td width="250 align=left style="padding-left:10px" nowrap="nowrap"><input name="Products['.$i.']" id="dy_rating_chk_'.$i.'" type="checkbox" tabindex="29" value="'.$i.'"';
      echo ' checked="checked" >';
     } else {
     echo ' >';
     echo $all_columns[$j][$i];
     echo '</td>';
    // Empty padding cell.
    echo '<td></td>';
    echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>'; 


But if the user comes back to the page to fix an error, all the item are now checked. NOTE, I am using a SELF form.


I still could use some help though.





      echo ' checked>';
     } else {


Should have been this.


But still not retaining the $_SESSION['products'][$i] like in the


if(isset($_SESSION['products'][1])) { echo ' checked'; }


version before the pre-written version.



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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