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Form values lost when back (or javascript history -1) is used.

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My normal method of form handling is a file like contact.php with a handler like contacthandler.php. In contacthandler.php there would be a validation routine. If the form does not validate, I offer a javascript go-1 and the user can make corrections.


My problem is with a script written by someone else. (I think it's related to the fact that it uses sessions.) I have added my form and everything works except that when you return to the previous page the form is blank.  Quite frustrating for a long form.  I know I can re-call the page with a submit button and hidden fields then fill in all the fields with

value="<?php echo($whatever);?>"

But I'd rather find a way to keep those values in history.


Can anyone give me a clue, or if it can't be done explain why?

I posted in another forum and did not get an answer.



Here's what I do (instead of using js history -1)....of course this is very basic & there's really no input security in this script that I'm about to share.

function form(){
  foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){ // get form values (if it has been filled out already)
    $$key = trim($value); // sets input "names" as $email, $subject...etc
  //echo the form
  <form action="contact.php" method="post">
  <p>* = required</p>
  <p>* Email: <input type="text" name="email" size="38" value="'.$email.'" /><br />
  Subject: <input type="text" name="subject" size="38" value="'.$subject.'" /><br />
  * Message: <textarea name="message" class="medlength" rows="5" cols="40">'.$message.'</textarea><br />
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></p>

if (!isset($_POST['submit'])){ //if form has NOT been submitted
  form(); // show the form!
else {
  foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){ // get form values
    $$key = strlen($key) > 1 ? trim($value) : null; // check that values are not empty, if so, make them NULL
  if($email && $message){ // if $email & $message are not null....GO!
echo "SENT!<br />
Email: $email<br />
Subject: $subject<br />
Message: $message
  else{ // if $email or $message are empty....HALT!
echo "ERROR! - Please fill in ALL requied fields";
form(); // show the form again....any typed information will still be there.

Thanks. That is a more elegant way of doing basically what I was trying to avoid, because my way was not elegant. I will consider using it that way.



$$key = strlen($key) > 1 ? trim($value) : null;

I am not accustom to the shorthand if-then. Can you help me out with this a bit? 

If I am reading it correctly I wonder: Why are you checking the length of $key?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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