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webmaster -> send mails to users


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Hi I am working on a site where ppl can register..


so I just want to know .. if u want to send an email to all members do u use a php script to get the emails then u sent the msg .. or is there applications or script that do that ? ..


as a webmasters how u do that ?

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Buy a newsletter script.


or code one yourself. Buying is easier... as a webmaster. :-)


Bah! lol


I believe it's fairly easy to write out a simple script which sends an email to all registered users, I believe that's what he's aiming for.

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i was taking the mick outta his "as a webmaster" comment lol.


Reckon hes sat there in a big chair with a sign that says..."Webmaster" on his desk?


Only kidding!!!  Yeah whipping together a php script to email users is easy using the mail() function, do a search. I think he also wants to a register script to register emails aswell so thats harder.. so "as a webmaster" not a "coder" buying one will be much easier. There cheap as the proverbial chips.

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hehehe !! looooool ..


well am a programmer .. :D:D !!! but my question was from a webmaster prespective ..


I can write the script no problem .. but I was just asking if this is the method site owners usually use .. because I've heard abt something called "phplist" or something ..


one more thing .. shoud I use the bcc field .. or the "to" and send an email to each user !!


because sometimes the bcc fileds doesn't work :S


and what should be the time between each msg ...


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