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Mod_Rewrite breaking my sitemap?


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I don't know if this is what it is, but all arrows point to it.  I'm trying to run a sitemap tool from auditmypc.com, and I have a few pages where the url's are rewritten to make them more friendly to search engines.  For example, before a url to one of my tutorials used to look like this:




Well I rewrote it so that it now looks like this:




And it works fine in the browser, but for whatever reason, the sitemap tool refuses it, fails everytime.  Furthermore, when I try to visit my site after running the sitemap, many of the images comprising the layout are shown as the red X, even though the path is right, and the image shows after right-clicking and clicking show picture.  I don't know why a rewrite would break anything, but it seems to be only the pages I have rewritten that are failing.  I also rewrote the music and movie sections becuase they made use of dynamic REQUEST variables and I wanted that indexable.  Here is the code I'm using to rewrite the tutorials page, this is my entire .htaccess file:


RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*)-(.*)\.html$ index.php?cat=$1&tut=$2
RewriteRule (.*)\.html$ index.php?cat=$1


And this is the one I'm using for my music and movie's sections, which are in seperate directories, but use the same index.php page (though there is one in each of the folders):


RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule d_(.*)$ index.php?file=$1
RewriteRule (.*)_(.*)_(.*)_(.*).html$ index.php?page=$1&rpp=$2&so=$3&admin=$4
RewriteRule (.*)_(.*)_(.*).html$ index.php?page=$1&rpp=$2&so=$3
RewriteRule (.*)_(.*).html$ index.php?page=$1&rpp=$2
RewriteRule (.*).html index.php?page=$1


Am I doing something wrong in my htaccess files, or is that sitemap generator just touchy.  If I recall right, and I do, it never did like the movie and music pages, even when they were using dynamic url variables, it almost always failed at least a couple of those pages, though it might have been becuase of the &admin= part, you have to put in a password for that to work.


Anyways, PLEASE help!

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