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Hi all,


I am trying to print value in a PHP statement for debug purpose but it gives the following error.



Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VAR in C:\xampp\htdocs\onushondhan\core\SMSEventProcessHelper.php on line 49


Here is the PHP code. Thanks in advance for your help.


-- Shehab











class SMSEventProcessHelper extends ActionHelper{

private $smsEventInput;

private $smsEventOutput;

private $smsEventVO;


/* Incoming message id */

private $incomingMessageId;

/* Mobile number */

private $mobileNumber;

/* Original message */

private $message;

/* Security code */

private $securityCode;


function __construct(SMSEventInput $smsEventInput){

$this->smsEventInput = $smsEventInput;

} // End of constructor



function init(){

// Setting the instance variables

$this->smsEventVO = $this->smsEventInput->smsEventVO;

$this->incomingMessageId = $this->smsEventVO->$incomingMessageId;

$this->mobileNumber = $this->smsEventVO->$mobileNumber;

$this->message = $this->smsEventVO->$message;

$this->securityCode = $this->smsEventVO->$securityCode;

} // End of init()


function preValidate(){

echo "\nSMSEventProcessHelper.preValidate() starts";

// Checking if the incoming message id is in valid format

// Yet to get the pre-validation scheme from MuthoFun


// Checking if the mobile number is in valid format

// Checking if the number is 11 digits long

echo "\nSMSEventProcessHelper.preValidate() '$this->mobileNumber'";

if(strlen($this->mobileNumber) != 13){

$smsEventOutput->returnCode = SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_ERROR;

echo "\nSMSEventProcessHelper.preValidate() RETURN_CODE_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_ERROR";

var $length = strlen($this->mobileNumber);

echo "\nThe length".$length;

return false;



// Checking if the number starts with 880

if(strcmp(substr($this->mobileNumber, 0, 3), "880") != 0){

$smsEventOutput->returnCode = SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_PHONE_NUMBER_COUNTRY_CODE_ERROR;

echo "\nSMSEventProcessHelper.preValidate() RETURN_CODE_PHONE_NUMBER_COUNTRY_CODE_ERROR";

return false;


// Checking if the message is in correct format

if(strlen($this->message) < 7){

$smsEventOutput->returnCode = SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_ZERO_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ERROR;

echo "\nSMSEventProcessHelper.preValidate() RETURN_CODE_ZERO_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ERROR";

return false;



// Checking if the security code is in valid format

if($this->securityCode != SMSEventVO::$securityCode){

$smsEventOutput->returnCode = SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_WRONG_SECURITY_CODE_ERROR;

echo "\nSMSEventProcessHelper.preValidate() RETURN_CODE_WRONG_SECURITY_CODE_ERROR";

return false;



echo "\nSMSEventProcessHelper.preValidate() success";

} // End of preValidate()



function validate(){

// Check if it is a meaningful sms

$tempString = substr($this->mobileNumber, 0, 7);


// Define headers

$tempUserRegSMSHeader = "BLD REG";

$tempUserReqSMSHeaderAPositive = "BLD A+ ";

$tempUserReqSMSHeaderANegative = "BLD A- ";

$tempUserReqSMSHeaderBPositive = "BLD B+ ";

$tempUserReqSMSHeaderBNegative = "BLD B- ";

$tempUserReqSMSHeaderABPositive = "BLD AB+";

$tempUserReqSMSHeaderABNegative = "BLD AB-";

$tempUserReqSMSHeaderOPositive = "BLD O+";

$tempUserReqSMSHeaderONegative = "BLD O-";


if(strcmp($tempString, $tempUserRegSMSHeader) != 0 && strcmp($tempString, $tempUserReqSMSHeaderAPositive) != 0 && strcmp($tempString, $tempUserReqSMSHeaderANegative) != 0 && strcmp($tempString, $tempUserReqSMSHeaderBPositive) != 0 && strcmp($tempString, $tempUserReqSMSHeaderBNegative) != 0 && strcmp($tempString, $tempUserReqSMSHeaderABPositive) != 0 && strcmp($tempString, $tempUserReqSMSHeaderABNegative) != 0 && strcmp($tempString, $tempUserReqSMSHeaderOPositive) != 0 && strcmp($tempString, $tempUserReqSMSHeaderONegative) != 0){

$smsEventOutput->returnCode = SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_INVALID_KEYWORDS_ERROR;

return false;


} // End of validate()


function loadInternalObjects(){


} // End of loadInternalObjects


function executeHelper(){

echo "\nSMSEventProcessHelper.executeHelper() starts";

$returnMessage = "";


$returnMessagePrefix = "";

$returnMessageSuffix = "Powered by Onushondhan.";

$errorMessage = "This service is not available. Thanks!";

$newLine = "\n";

$whiteSpace = " ";

$colon = ":";



if($this->preValidate() == false){

if($smsEventOutput->returnCode == SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_ERROR){

$returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Phone number length should be 11.";

} else if($smsEventOutput->returnCode == SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_PHONE_NUMBER_COUNTRY_CODE_ERROR){

$returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Sorry! Now we are not accepting SMS from overseas network.";

} else if($smsEventOutput->returnCode == SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_ZERO_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ERROR){

$returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Sorry! Now we are not accepting SMS from overseas network.";

} else if($smsEventOutput->returnCode == SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_WRONG_SECURITY_CODE_ERROR){

$returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Oops security code doesn't match!";


} else  if(validate() == false){

if($smsEventOutput->returnCode == SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_INVALID_KEYWORDS_ERROR){

$returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Type help to know the correct keywords.";


} else {

$smsEventOutput->returnCode = SMSEventOutput::$RETURN_CODE_SMS_EVENT_SUCCESSFUL;


// Seperate the message header

$subMessage = substr($message, 0, 7);

// Make it lower case

$subMessage = strtolower($subMessage);




switch ($subMessage) {

case "bld adm":

$dataModel = new DataModel001();


    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "You are an admin I see.";


case "bld reg":

    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Thanks for your interest. Check back later to register.";


case "bld edt":

    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "We are yet to allow you to edit.";


case "bld a+ ":

    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Dear A+ Owner, please have some more patience.";


case "bld a- ":

    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Dear A- Owner, please have some more patience.";


case "bld b+ ":

    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Dear B+ Owner, please have some more patience.";


case "bld b- ":

    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Dear B- Owner, please have some more patience.";


case "bld ab+":

    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Dear AB+ Owner, please have some more patience.";


case "bld ab-":

    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Dear AB- Owner, please have some more patience.";


case "bld o+":

    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Dear O+ Owner, please have some more patience.";


case "bld o-":

    $returnMessage = $returnMessage . "Dear O- Owner, please have some more patience.";



} // Switch ends


}// Else clause completes


$returnMessage = $returnMessagePrefix . $whiteSpace . $returnMessage . $whiteSpace . $colon . $colon . $returnMessageSuffix;

$smsEventOutput->message = $returnMessage;

$smsEventOutput->outMessageId = 1;

$smsEventOutput->outMessageId = 1;

$smsEventOutput->targetMobileNumber = $this->mobileNumber;

$smsEventOutput->incomingMessageId = $this->incomingMessageId;

$smsEventOutput->messageType = 4;

$smsEventOutput->securityCode = $this->securityCode;


return $smsEventOutput;

}// End of execute helper





function addTransaction(){






function processAdminSMS(SMSEventVO $smsEventVO){



} // SMSEventProcessHelper



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