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.htaccess how to require authn for all files ina folder, besids certain file ex


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.htaccess how to require authn for all files ina folder, besids certain file extentns


.htaccess, how to require authentication for files in a folder, besides certian file extentions?


hey guys, been trying this for about 24 hours now, and im just really beat..:(


im using apache2, and i been to a couple sites such as the apache doc site, and no help at all(as in nothing i try works). What i want to do is, require authencation for all files in a directory execpt certain files with a particular extention, allowing all files but some extentions.


so im attempting to add restriction for all files, and then trying to single out files with a particular extention and remove the require clause...not working though :(


i have a folder with some jpgs in it, and some folders with other files, and also jpgs, i will be linking those jpgs from other sites, so i need then to not require authentication, however, all the other files in the doc root i need to set authentication for.


this is what i have so far.


<Directory  /home/www/shared/>


<Files *>

AuthType Basic

AuthName "This is a restriced site"

AuthUserFile /pass/a

AuthGroupFile /pass/g

Require group GroupName




#also tried saying overide none and placing the below in a .htaccess fle in the root dir

<FilesMatch "\.jpg$">

#<Files ~ "\.(jpg)$">

#<Files *.jpg>

Satisfy any

#Require none      #i dont think this call (none) even exists, but i still tried it.

#Order deny,allow

Allow from all





#some other config info here




can some please help me, or perhaps suggest a link, or a better solution to my problem


thankx in advance.

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