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Append Text Javascript


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Hi all,

I have a simple problem, but I can't seem to figure this out for the life of me.



1. Using Javascript and PHP

2. Move values from onClick links to text boxes

3. Want to call the function (superpaste) to create a custom sql statement.  Every thing works other than the calling of the superpaste function and its workings.


<?php //require_once('adminOnly.php');


if(file_exists("util.php")) {

require_once("util.php"); // use the predefined database parameter constants

$dbname = DBNAME;

}elseif (file_exists("configure.php")) {

require_once("configure.php"); // use the predefined database parameter constants

$dbname = DBNAME;

}elseif (file_exists("mysetup.php")) {

require_once("mysetup.php"); // use the predefined database parameter constants

$dbname = DBNAME;


////////////////////////// SET YOUR DB CONNECT VALUES BELOW HERE /////////////////////////////

}else{ // if not using CONSTANTS then set your unique database connectivity values below

$dbname = !isset($dbname)?"xxxxxx":$_POST['dbname'];

$dbserverhost = !isset($dbserverhost)?"xxxx":$_POST['dbserverhost'];

$dbusername = !isset($dbusername)?"xxxxx":$_POST['dbusername'];

$dbpassword = !isset($dbpassword)?"xxxxx":$_POST['dbpassword'];



////////////////////////// SET YOUR DB CONNECT VALUES ABOVE HERE /////////////////////////////

$modifiedColor = "orange";

// initialize or capture variable values

$query = !isset($_POST['query'])?"SHOW TABLES":$_POST['query'];

$showLastQuery = !isset($_POST['showLastQuery'])?NULL:$_POST['showLastQuery'];

$showSyntax = !isset($_POST['showSyntax'])?NULL:$_POST['showSyntax'];

$myStatus = !isset($_REQUEST['myStatus'])?NULL:$_REQUEST['myStatus'];


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">



<TITLE>Recruiting @ UTITE</TITLE>


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


/* paste text into the query box */




function superpaste(){

var writingblock = document.myQueryForm.query;

var degree = document.first_form.degree.value;

var interest = document.first_form.interest.value;

var region = document.first_form.region.value;

var experience = document.first_form.experience.value;

var writingblock.value = "Select * from Resume WHERE degree_program = '";

var writingblock.value =+ degree;

var writingblock.value =+ "' AND interest = '";

var writingblock.value =+ interest;

var writingblock.value =+ "' AND region ='";

var writingblock.value =+ region;

var writingblock.value =+ " ' AND experience = '";

var writingblock.value =+ experience;

var writingblock.value =+  "' ;";














This function tests to see if something has been entered in the query.

If empty then an alert box appears and the form submission is halted


function isQuery() {

var myForm = document.myQueryForm;

if ( myForm.query.value == 0 ) {

alert("There is no query.\nPlease enter a query.");


return false;


return true;


// -->




<style type="text/css">


.style1 {

color: #CC5500;

font-weight: bold;






<td align="left"><p class="style1">Candidate Profile Builder:</p>


      <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.degree.value='Undergraduate';">Undergraduate</a>

      <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.degree.value='MBA';">MBA</a>

        <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.degree.value='PhD';">Ph D</a>

  <p><strong>Looking For:</strong><br>

      <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.interest.value='Internship';">Internship</a>

      <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.interest.value='Part Time';">Part Time</a>

        <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.interest.value='Full Time';">Full Time</a> <br>



  <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.region.value='Texas';">Texas and Surrounding Area</a>

      <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.region.value='North';">North</a>

        <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.region.value='South';">South</a>

        <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.region.value='West';">West</a>

        <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.experience.value='East';">East</a>

  <p><strong>Relevant Work Experience:</strong><br>

      <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.region.value='<=1';">1 or Less</a>

        <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.experience.value='<=2 AND >= 1';">1-2 Years</a>

        <a href="#" onClick="document.first_form.experience.value='>=2';">2+ Years</a>

<a href="#" onClick="superpaste()">YES</a>  


  <p><strong>My Candidate:


  <form name="first_form">

                                            <input name="degree" type="text" id="degree">

                                            <input name="interest" type="text" id="interest">

                                            <input name="region" type="text" id="region">

                                            <input name="experience" type="text" id="experience">





// this block below captures defined CONSTANTS, if they are used via an include call

if(defined('DBSERVERHOST')) {

$dbserverhost = DBSERVERHOST; // if CONSTANTS are used then set the variable value


if(defined('DBUSERNAME')) {

$dbusername = DBUSERNAME; // if CONSTANTS are used then set the variable value


if(defined('DBPASSWORD')) {

$dbpassword = DBPASSWORD; // if CONSTANTS are used then set the variable value


// this block above captures defined CONSTANTS, if they are used via an include call



if (!empty($dbserverhost)) {

$rowsModified = 0;

$rowsSelected = 0;

// pconnect, select and query

if ($link_identifier = mysql_pconnect($dbserverhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword)) {

if ( mysql_select_db($dbname, $link_identifier)) {

if((!isset($query)) || empty($query)) {

echo"<br><b>EasySQL</b>   Enter your query into the textarea box then click on <b>RUN MY QUERY</b><br>";


$query = stripslashes($query);

$result = mysql_query($query, $link_identifier);

$partialCommand = ltrim($query); // strip leading characters eg. spaces

$partialCommand = substr ( $partialCommand, 0, 4); /* get first 4 characters for switch()*/

$partialCommand = strtolower($partialCommand);

switch($partialCommand) { /* the first 4 letters from each sql statement are used for this switch  */

case "alte": // zero to nn records are affected with Alter table

case "dele": // zero to nn records are affected with Delete

case "inse": // zero to 1 record affected with Insert

case "upda": // zero to nn records are affected with Update

if ($result != 0) {

$rowsModified = mysql_affected_rows($link_identifier);

$myStatus = "SQL was processed";


echo("Error " . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<br>");



case "sele": // zero to nn rows returned

if ($result != 0) {

$rowsSelected = mysql_num_rows($result);

$myStatus = "SQL was processed";


echo("Error " . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<br>");



/* no affected records */

case "crea": // no records affected

case "desc":

case "drop":

case "load":

case "show":

$rowsModified = 0;

$myStatus = "SQL was processed";



$myStatus = "ALTER, DELETE, UPDATE, INSERT, CREATE, DESCRIBE, DROP, LOAD, SHOW, & SELECT are the SQL commands currently supported in EasySQL.<br>\n";

} // switch($partialCommand)

// display results of the submitted query

echo"<b>Query:</b> $query<br>\n";

echo"<b>Result:</b> $myStatus<br>\n";

echo"<b>Rows: </b> ";

if ($partialCommand == "sele") {

echo"$rowsSelected selected<p></p>";


echo "<b><font color=\"$modifiedColor\">$rowsModified modified</font></b><p></p>\n";


if (@mysql_num_rows($result) != 0){ // if there are rows then show them

echo"<TABLE BORDER=1><TR>\n";

          for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($result); $i++) {

          echo("<TH>" . mysql_field_name($result,$i) . "</TH>");



          for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) {


          $row_array = mysql_fetch_row($result);

            for ($j = 0; $j < mysql_num_fields($result); $j++) {

            echo("<TD>" . $row_array[$j] . "</TD>\n");






//echo"No matches.";


} // if(!isset($query)) ?>



<!-- START OF table to encompass the entire SQL Command entry form -->


<table cellpadding="5" align="left" border="10">



<form method="post" name="myQueryForm" action="easysql.php" onSubmit="isQuery()">

<textarea style="background-color:honeydew;" name="query" cols=80 rows=8 wrap="soft"><?php if ($showLastQuery == "reuse"){echo"$query";}?></textarea><br>

<!-- ******* START OF STANDARD easysql CONTROLS ******* -->

<table width="100%">


<td align="right">

<!-- begin code to retrieve available database names -->



$db_list = mysql_list_dbs();

$i = 0;

$count = mysql_num_rows($db_list);

if( $count > 0 ) { // if there are 1 or more databases found

// build a select list

echo"<select name='dbname'>\n"; // begin the select list

echo "<option value='$dbname' SELECTED>$dbname</option>\n";

while ($i < $count) {

$option = mysql_db_name($db_list, $i); // set the unique value

echo "<option value='$option'>$option</option>\n";





echo"No databases found.";



<!-- end of code to retrieve available database names -->

<input style="color:white;font-weight:bold;background-color:green;" type="submit" name="submit" value="RUN MY QUERY" class="submit"> </td>





if($showSyntax == 'on'):?>





<p> </p>

<p> </p>

<font size="2">



<?php endif;?>

<!-- END OF table for standard easysql controls --></td></tr></table>

<!-- ******* END OF STANDARD CONTROLS ******* -->




<!-- This is part of the regular distribution package -->



<!-- END OF table to encompass the entire SQL Command entry form -->



}else{ // in NO select db

    echo mysql_error();


}else{ // if no connect

echo mysql_error();









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