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Where can I find a tutorial on how to make a if statement in a template.




<if condition="$var">
<!-- Do something -->


So when phrased it will:


Do it

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That's the thing, I'm creating my own oop class template system. I have this website, and I want to learn so I like to create everything by me. except for the forum but that's not related to this topic.

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	preg_match_all('/<if condition\=\"(.*)\">/U', $templatecode, $if_cond);
	foreach($if_cond[1] as $value) {
	eval("if(".$value.") {
		\$cond_result = true;
		\$cond_result = false;
		if($cond_result == true) {
			$templatecode = preg_replace('/<if condition\=\"'.$value.'">/', '<?php if(true) { ?>', $templatecode);
			$templatecode = preg_replace('/<if condition\=\"'.$value.'">/', '<?php if(false) { ?>', $templatecode);
	// change the elses
	$templatecode = preg_replace('/<else \/>/', '<?php }else{ ?>', $templatecode);

	// change the ending of the ifs
	$templatecode = preg_replace('/<\/if>/', '<?php } ?>', $templatecode);
	if($do_eval == 2) {
		return eval('?>'.$templatecode);
		return $templatecode;


You can figure it out yourself

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  • 2 weeks later...

	preg_match_all('/<if condition\=\"(.*)\">/U', $templatecode, $if_cond);
	foreach($if_cond[1] as $value) {
	eval("if(".$value.") {
		\$cond_result = true;
		\$cond_result = false;
		if($cond_result == true) {
			$templatecode = preg_replace('/<if condition\=\"'.$value.'">/', '<?php if(true) { ?>', $templatecode);
			$templatecode = preg_replace('/<if condition\=\"'.$value.'">/', '<?php if(false) { ?>', $templatecode);
	// change the elses
	$templatecode = preg_replace('/<else \/>/', '<?php }else{ ?>', $templatecode);

	// change the ending of the ifs
	$templatecode = preg_replace('/<\/if>/', '<?php } ?>', $templatecode);
	if($do_eval == 2) {
		return eval('?>'.$templatecode);
		return $templatecode;


You can figure it out yourself


Doesn't seem to work, but I must THANK YOU for this code.


Here is a link to my test file. (1) is the raw template (2) is after it replaces {CONTENT} and (3) shows the ending result after using the function you have created for me.

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Yeah I think so, I just came back to coding; you know that feeling when you look at the code that you just worked on a week ago, yeah look bizzar. I forgot what the problem I found before but I fixed it.


Now the last piece is actually executing the code, because it comes out as raw code.


I don't get this last piece...:

		if($do_eval == 2) {
		return eval('?>'.$templatecode);
		return $templatecode;


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Okay I nearly have it now!~


How can I get this: $Template->exe_template('anime', $animearray);


into plain text because right now I have it as $animepage = $Template->exe_template('anime', $animearray); and it's doing something that I don't want it to be doing and that is outputting on top of the page!!!


I know $animepage = 'works';

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You're gonna have to give me more code to go on -- that doesn't tell me anything.  What is that function, and what is being put at the top of the page?  And do you know $animepage contains what you want it to (ie, the variable is working) or literally $animepage == 'works'?

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How can I get this to work:


$animepage = $Template->exe_template('anime', $animearray);


Inside class.php:

	function exe_template($templatename, $arrayvar)
	$template = $this->buff_template($templatename);
	$template = $this->parse_variables($template, $arrayvar);
	$template = $this->parse_tags($template);
	return $template;


because when I place the above variable it prints $Template->exe_template('anime', $animearray); even though I didn't tell it too!~ and it doesn't place it into the variable!!!

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What's the code surrounding the line '$animpage =.....'?


Just to clarify, it seems that when your code executes this line:


$animepage = $Template->exe_template('anime', $animearray);


... The page itself displays "$Template->exe_template('anime', $animearray);", like you were echoing the text?

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Okay I got it to work finally!~! What happend was that I used eval as the return and you know it didn't come out right. So what I did was put all that off until all the replacing is done and then I used eval.


Now here's another issue if for some reason that I misspell condition I don't want eval to give me the normal problem message I want something like }else{ or like exit()

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