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PHP on non-LAMP server

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Hey there everybody. I've always developed PHP on servers running LAMP and used phpMyAdmin and what not.  I'm now working for a company that is running a microsoft server running "Microsoft-IIS/5.0"  What do I have to do differently to write php on a microsoft server than a linux server?  Where is there a good online resource like the help i've found here for this type of programming?


I think i've asked/explained in the most straight forward way but just ask if you're confused.  Thanks!

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I dont believe there is anything different from a linux server.  You just need to change queries if you are using MS SQL my mysql, or Postgre SQL.  I am running both, windows as development, and Linux as my server, and I dont need to do anything different.

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I use Notepadd++, I have not used Microsoft Sharepoint before, so not sure if there is anything different.  What SQL server were you using with Linux.  If you were not connecting to a MS SQL server, then your queries will be different.



$query = "SELECT * FROM table";


// get results of query above

$result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));




$query = "SELECT * FROM table";


// get results of query above

$result = mssql_fetch_array(mssql_query($query));


something along those lines.

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You'll learn to hate IIS.


And no, everything should be the same as long as your PHP settings are the same. I'm not sure about IIS, but I know apache converts C:\folder\file to C:/folder/file. You'll have to test this.


Your SQL queries will be different, unless you're using PDO or a similar class that supports several query languages.


when i upload a php file to this current server, it says the file does not exist though it does.


Double check your webroot path in IIS :)

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It's not hard. But really, see if you can encourage them to move to Apache. In the hands of a very competent admin, IIS can be used effectively, but otherwise, it's like swiss cheese.


Now this could be entirely moot if you're planning on using a ton of MS services that interact with IIS (shudder)... I'm assuming your primary use of this server will be for PHP execution.


I'm in no way anti-ms... but their server platforms are horrible.

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what program do you use for your development/progarmming?  They really want me to work with Microsoft Sharepoint.  you have any experience with that?


I think you are missing the opportunity being presented to you here.  Your company is telling you they want you to use Sharepoint.  Sharepoint is Microsoft's collaboration platform, that integrates with microsoft office, and is aimed at companies that want to have what used to be called "an Intranet".  You should spend some time doing some research on it, and use this opportunity to get educated on how to develop with it. 


Of course, you can go ahead and stick PHP on the server and start hacking on PHP scripts, but they've already told you what they wanted, and it wasn't a PHP application.


My advice:  Start reading here:  http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepointserver/HA101732171033.aspx


I think you'll find that Sharepoint offers a CMS, Webdav compliant document mangement system, wiki etc.  Of course there are alternatives in the PHP world, however in an environment where microsoft office apps are being heavily used, Sharepoint has an advantage in that it was built to integrate with them.

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Yeah i will deffinately have to learn sharepoint as they've spent alot of money on it. Right now i'm drowning in tryig to figure out what to do so i will deffinately take a look at teh support doc you posted.  I currently just wanted to quickly make a calender service to fix a current site.  I know how to do it in PHP but I will deffinately have to do more research on sharepoint.  right now i just feel like i'm in a bit over my head.  Either option results in a lengthly process, either installing PHP on the server, or learning sharepoint.  as i'm gong to have to eventually i'll take a look at the second option.  thanks for the help!

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