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i dont know

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I dont if this is the right place to be posting this or not but here goes.....


I have searched the internet as well as this forum and I totally do not understand how to get cURL working. I have everything configured from the best I understand.


I am running on Windows XP, Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.2.6. I have been sitting here for almost 6 hours trying to get cURL working, can anyone give me a hand and tell me in stupid people language or even give me a link to a guide on how to install with some pics or something a little better to understand.

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Unless you tell us the symptoms or errors you are getting (what you see in front of you) and what you have tried or what your code is, no one in a Forum will be able to help. Mind reading does not work over the Internet (it barely works face-to-face.  ;D )

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I am not getting any kind of errors, just is not installing. I do not know if I just have the files in the wrong place or what. I hope this is ok.. I am copying and pasting my php.ini file for you to view....




[attachment deleted by admin]

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Can you post details of how you have installed PHP. Did you read some guide on the internet or have you used an AMP package such as WAMP.


Looking at your php.ini you have a heck of alot of extensions enabled. Are you sure you want that many extensions? You should only enable extensions that your are going to use in your PHP applications.

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ok.. finally got everything working like I want it... BUT now when I try to connect to my page I am getting Index of/ page with the list of files and directories.... not sure if this is a PHP problem or Apache problem... any ideas?


I fixed the extensions I had activated..... I now only have like 4 activated, I went in there half asleep reading a tutorial and got confused and activated everything.

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Two things to try -


Do a "view source" in your browser and tell us anything you see.


Turn on full error_reporting (set it to at least E_ALL) and set display_errors on in your php.ini or a .htaccess file to get php to help you.



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