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Joining tables

fat creative

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I have a form that is currently working, searching on one table.  I got help from here and it's working GREAT.  Now I'd like to join a 2nd table and I need some help with writing a script.  My first table is named "phoneList" and I'd like to join it with a second table called "meaning".  I will match on the field called "Lastname" and the fields I want to return are Firstname, Lastname, Email, and Phone from the phoneList table and a field called meaning from the meaning table (the thought is each last name has a different meaning). Right now, this is all test data for me to learn from. The form is at www.fatcreative.com/test.html and my current code is:



$Lastname = $_POST['Lastname'];

$Firstname = $_POST['Firstname'];



//this should select based on form selections

$query = "SELECT * FROM phoneList

              WHERE ID > 0 ";


if (strlen($Firstname) > 0) {

  $query .= "AND Firstname='$Firstname'";



if (strlen($Lastname) > 0) {

  $query .= "AND Lastname='$Lastname'";



$result = mysql_query($query)

    or die ("Couldnt execute query");


$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result); //count the number of rows returned

if($numrows < 1 ) //if none!!!


echo ("There were no rows returned from the database");


else //otherwise draw the table

//put info on new lines

echo "<table cellspacing='15'>";

echo "<tr><td colspan='3'></td></tr>";

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))



echo "









echo "<tr><td colspan='3'></td></tr>\n";


echo "</table>\n";


Thank you so much in advance for ANY assistance!

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Well, the query is a straightfroward join:

SELECT p.Firstname,p.Lastname,p.Email,p.Phone,m.meaning FROM phoneList as p,meaning as m WHERE m.Lastname=p.Lastname


You'll then have to modify your output to show the new data as well.


On a side note, you ought to be using mysq_real_escape_string() on your firstname and lastname fields to protect against mysql injection.


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Thank you for that suggestion!  I tried doing a join like that before I posted and I kept getting an error message. I think it's because of this statement:

if (strlen($Firstname) > 0) {

  $query .= "AND Firstname='$Firstname'";



I'm not sure how to append to the query with the join.  I need this statement to determine if the user has actually selected something from the drop down first. If they haven't, I don't want it included in the search.


Is what I'm asking even possible? It seems like anything is possible with PHP, but being so new, I just don't know.  Oh, and thanks for the info on "mysql injection". I don't know what that means yet :-) but I'll do some research this afternoon!



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