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javascript Translation


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I need to translate some fields from a databese using google translation and show those fields in a webpage


i did this code :



    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    google.load("language", "1");

	$sql="select Title, Description from $table limit 9";
	$result=mysql_db_query($db_name1, $sql) or die("Erreur SQL : $sql<br>".mysql_error());	
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    	echo $row['Title']."<br>";

    <script type="text/javascript">

    function <?echo $j;?>initialize() {

      google.language.translate("<?echo $row['Description'];?>", "en", "fr", function(<?echo $j;?>result) {
        if (!<?echo $j;?>result.error) {
          var <?echo $j;?>container = document.getElementById("translation<?echo $j;?>");
          <?echo $j;?>container.innerHTML = <?echo $j;?>result.translation<?echo $j;?>;
    google.setOnLoadCallback(<?echo $j;?>initialize);


			echo     "<div id=\"translation$j\"></div><br><br>";



but it give me errors, i think the problem is in javascript


any one can help me ?


Thanks in advance

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yes the error is in javascript, the source give that :



    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    google.load("language", "1");
    <script type="text/javascript">

    function 0initialize() {

      google.language.translate("hello", "en", "fr", function(0result) {
        if (!0result.error) {
          var 0container = document.getElementById("translation0");
          0container.innerHTML = 0result.translation0;

<div id="translation0"></div><br>   <script type="text/javascript">

    function 1initialize() {

      google.language.translate("how are you ?", "en", "fr", function(1result) {
        if (!1result.error) {
          var 1container = document.getElementById("translation1");
          1container.innerHTML = 1result.translation1;

<div id="translation1"></div><br>    <script type="text/javascript">

    function 2initialize() {

      google.language.translate("i'm fine", "en", "fr", function(2result) {
        if (!2result.error) {
          var 2container = document.getElementById("translation2");
          2container.innerHTML = 2result.translation2;

<div id="translation2"></div><br>



I'm not good in javascript, can you find the error pls ?


Thank you

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well for 1 i see you have the functions and variables starting with a number. Javascript doesnt like that.

I think not any scripting or programming language allows this.


so remove the numbers from the start at the functions and variables and you can place the numbers at the end i think.


Next you need a debugger for you browser i dont use ie for debugging since ie has horrible debugging tools for the stuff that i found. and ie 8 will have better tools for this.


but anyway try installing either firebug


or the webdeveloper pluging for firefox



that will make you able to track the errors quicker


also i see its the same function and varables a couple of times why dont you just rewrite your function so it can be called multiple times and just need the function one time .

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