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Traversing multi-dimensional arrays


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I've been hacking away at php for a couple of years, but I have no coding background and I'm not particularly good at it. I recently came to rewrite some navigation code for a site I'm doing which uses a database thus:


category_id child_of category_name category_description category_bg


to store hierarchical data. I originally had a new query running for every new sublevel of the hierarchy, and I woke up one morning in an inspired mood and figured it would be much easier to work with if I just called the whole thing into one big multidimensional array, thus:


function get_categories() // pulls all categories from the database into a two-dimensional associative array for use by other functions
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM categories ORDER BY child_of, category_name";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
	$categories[$row['child_of']][] = $row;
return $categories;


But now I'm stuck - how can I find an array in this great giant nested mess by its key, when I don't know how far down the hierarchy it is? I want to be able to take any category from the querystring (for example, if someone's hit a landing page somewhere deep in the site) and work backward from that key up the array to the root in order to generate a breadcrumb trail, etc. I don't want to be thrashing the DB all the time, like I used to:


function get_breadcrumb() //temporary function to get breadcrumb trail into array
$lookup = $_GET['category'];
$lookup = 0;
while($lookup > 0)
$query = "SELECT * FROM categories where category_id = '$lookup'";
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($query));
$breadcrumb[$row['category_id']] = $row['category_name'];
$lookup = $row['child_of'];
return $breadcrumb;

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I tried to look at tree traversal before, but to me it seems even more complicated. With the adjacency list, at least I can understand the data model in my head - which is half the issue.


When I was using this code before, I managed to simplify the code I wrote for drop-down menus (nested unordered lists) from needing a query for each list to one query:


function draw_menu() // displays top-level product menu
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT category_id, category_name, child_of, category_description FROM categories ORDER BY child_of, category_name";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))  
// create two-dimensional array of menus
$menus[$row['child_of']][] = $row;
draw_ul(0, $menus);

function draw_ul($child_of, $menus) // displays nested menus
// check if top-level menu
if($child_of == 0)
echo "<div class=\"blockshadow\">\n";
echo "\n<div class=\"subshadow\">\n";
echo "<ul>\n";
foreach($menus[$child_of] as $key => $value)
draw_li($value, $menus);
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</div>\n";

function draw_li($item, $menus) // draws each menu item
$desc = excerpt_text(strip_tags($item['category_description']), 70);
echo "<li><a href=\"http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/products.php?category=" . $item['category_id'] ."\" title=\"" . $desc . "\">" . $item['category_name'] . "</a>";
// check if item has a submenu
draw_ul($item['category_id'], $menus);
echo "</li>\n";


- that took me a lot of effort, and when I'm halfway to understanding it I don't want to throw it all out and start fresh.

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