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Database Issue


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Hello everyone,


I am currently administering a business directory that I'm having a small issue with. We have businesses and nonprofit orgs in the area separated by a 1(for business) or 2(for nonprofit) in a column labeled `type` in our database. I am trying to fix an issue the previous webmaster left. The nonprofits are linked under a separate URL(\nonprofits.php?profile=$theID) from the businesses(\directory.php?profile=$theID), but in the config.php file, only the business URL is listed, so it is used for nonprofits as well, which links to a blank page. I was trying to create an if-then statement where it would read something like:



      $output .= "THE BUSINESS URL";}


      $output .= "THE NONPROFIT URL";



However, I cannot come up with an SQL statement that will return the value in the column `type`. If anyone thinks they can help, I can explain any questions you have. Please, let me know!


I appreciate any help very, very much!

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That syntax is familiar to me. I was trying something like that. IS there a way I can integrate that into a for statement...something like:


$type1 = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE type='1'";

$type2 = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE type='2''";


for $type1 ($output = x);

for $type2 ($output =y);

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What we have is a (clike here to read more) link. I don't want to change any data, but the links for businesses are different than the ones for nonprofits. Currently, we have a statement that covers both, but because the nonprofits aren't linked to in the same way as businesses, it doesn't work for them. What I want to do is: for all profiles that are type 1, use one type of hyperlink, and for all type 2 profiles, use another.

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$sql = "SELECT * FROM table";
$result = mysql_query($sql) OR DIE (mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
	// add more variable here to get other column fields
	$type = $row['type'];
	if ($type == 1)
		echo "THE LINK";
	else if ($type == 2)
		echo "THE OTHER LINK";
echo "No rows returned.";


Does that help?

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		$conn = mysql_connect('database','usrname','passwrd');
	mysql_select_db('knoxgreen', $conn);
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM directory";
	$result = mysql_query($sql) OR DIE (mysql_error());
	$length = 50;
	$paragraph = explode(" ", $string);
	if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
	if($length < count($paragraph)){
		for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){
			if($i < $length - 1){
				$output .= $paragraph[$i] . " ";
				while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
				$type = $row['type'];
				if($type == '1'){	
					$output .= $paragraph[$i] . " ... <b><a class=\"noline\" href=\"directory.php?profile=$theID\">( click here to read more )</a></b>";
					$output .= $paragraph[$i] . " ... <b><a class=\"noline\" href=\"directory.php?profile=$theID&searched=$searched\">( click here to read more )</a></b>";
			elseif ($type == '2'){$output .= $paragraph[$i] . " ... <b><a class=\"noline\" href=\"nonprofits.php?profile=$theID\">( click here to read more )</a></b>";
		return $output;
	return $string;


I think it's getting close, but it still isn't separating the two types.

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	function wordlimit($string, $theID, $searched){
	$conn = mysql_connect('********','*******','*********');
	mysql_select_db('knoxgreen', $conn);
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM directory";
	$result = mysql_query($sql) OR DIE (mysql_error());
	$length = 50;
	$paragraph = explode(" ", $string);
	if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
			if($length < count($paragraph)){
				for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){
					if($i < $length - 1){
						$output .= $paragraph[$i] . " ";
						while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
						$type = $row['type'];
						if($type == '1'){	
								$output .= $paragraph[$i] . " ... <b><a class=\"noline\" href=\"directory.php?profile=$theID\">( click here to read more )</a></b>";
								$output .= $paragraph[$i] . " ... <b><a class=\"noline\" href=\"directory.php?profile=$theID&searched=$searched\">( click here to read more )</a></b>";
						elseif ($type == '2')
							{$output .= $paragraph[$i] . " ... <b><a class=\"noline\" href=\"nonprofits.php?profile=$theID\">( click here to read more )</a></b>";
		return $output;
	return $string;


I hope that's better :). I've never really had to care about format (although that's probably why my code's always unorganized), so I hope this is a bit more readable.

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So you are testing locally or remotely? did you upload the correct file?


I honestly don't see anything in your code that would make $type get set to 1 for every instance. You said that you looked at the data in phpMyAdmin and you can plainly see 2 as a value. Maybe someone else will read this thread and a new pair of eyes will find something I can't.

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