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KMB - KwentMailBlogger / Need help


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I found this script a long time go. I got everything working besides the image resize part. Every picture shows in original size on the page. And the file gets name {uniquename12363262.PJPEG} in img folder, when i had this script worked before the images created in img folder had the extension ".jpg". Dont know if thats the clue to whats wrong.


I had this sript on webhotell named one.com. The server has PHP Version 5.2.6 and GD version is bundled (2.0.34 compatible). Can someone plz help me get the resize part work.




* KMB - KwentMailBlogger

* V 0.1; 2004-10-30; © ACW (tony@kwent.com)

*  V 0.2; 2004-11-03; © ACW (tony@kwent.com)

*  V 0.3; 2004-11-07; © ACW (tony@kwent.com)

*  V 0.4; 2004-12-11; © ACW (tony@kwent.com)

* V 0.45;2005-01-11; © ACW (tony@kwent.com)


/* Rev. History

* V 0.4: arbitrary order of mime parts, escape single quotes, catch invalid jpegs

* before trying to resize them, handle mails with empty message-id

* V 0.45:  added stripfoot(see below); enable inline images




* Disclaimer/License:

* Did this for my personal fun. Don't blame me for anything.

* Licensed under MLL (My Little License):

* MLL: Use it for free if you like it.

* Modify it, get rich with it if you've got a chance to.

* Acknowledge me visual if you think it's worth it.

* Keep this disclaimer in the source.

* Feedback:

* - welcome at tony@kwent.com




* Purpose:

* Having a mobile phone with a built in cam and email capability?

* Want to publish your thoughts and images from the top of the mountain you just

*  climbed instantly to your website?

* Try KMB, my little MailBlogger Utility.

* It connects to a certain mailaccount, grabs Emails with a certain Subject, by

*  which it identifies regular entries.

* It extracts the text and attached images of a certain kind (see below) and saves

* the text and the original images to a database and the filesystem respectively.

* It resizes the images to a standard size chosen.

* It also rotates the images if necessary.

* It keeps the original(rotated) one as well as the resized to allow a preview

* and a full view.

* Have fun




* Requirements:

* - PHP 4.something I suppose

* - compiled with IMAP & GD support

*  - a POP3 or IMAP capable mailaccount




* Usage:

* - Create a mailaccount fulfilling the requirements stated above

* - Create a database table using the sql script found below

* - Create a directory for the images accessible by php

* - Choose if you want the script to be run standalone or included into your portal

* - Run it or include it wherever

* Posting:

* - Send an email to the Blog Account having the appropriate subject defined below

*  - Attach images to your mail (preferrably jpgs, since they're known to work)

* - If you need your images to be rotated, add >90, >-90, or >180 to the subject

*   all(!!) images of that mail will then be rotated(90 is in degrees and clockwise)

* - mails having a subject other than the one defined are being deleted!!!




* Limitations:

* - a lot ;-)

* - images other than jpg-likes are not resized and rotated

* - I suppose there are decoding issues with 'strange' encodings

* - Deletion of processed mails is not guaranteed (POP3 non-support of Mailflags?!)

* - (so have a look at your mail account from time to time)

* - no editing of posts other than via db-client tool





* Configuration:

* set the following parameters to your needs; xxxx needs to be replaced



// run this script standalone? (or include it elsewhere)

  $blogstandalone = false; //true|false

// consider emails having a certain Subject only; simple security measure

  $SubjectCode = "Code";


// define a directory where attached images are stored; php should have read and

// write access to it

  $imgDir = "../img/";


// set the timezone of your blog 

  $blogtimezone = +1;


// POP3 data of the account where blogmails are sent to; 110 is the POP3 port number

// to change this to imap, see the php documentation for "imap_open(...)"

  $ServerName = "{pop.server.com/pop3:110}INBOX"; 

  $UserName = "blog@server.com";

  $PassWord = "password";



// define allowed attachment types; Case sensitive!!

// NOTE: if you define for example php here, someone can mail you a php-script and

// execute it; this may be very useful, but it may be extremly harmful too.

  $atttypes = "jpeg|jpg|png|gif|JPG|JPEG|Jpg";


// some providers attach annoying footers; if they start with a certain string, we

// can strip them

  $stripfoot = "----";


// images received will be resized (needs PHP with GD support)

// !! so far only jpg, jpeg, JPG & JPEG!!

  $forcedwidth  = "300"; //width

  $forcedheight = "200"; //height

  $imgcomp      = "0";  // 0...best quality, 100...most compressed



// database connection

  $DatabaseName = "database";

  $DbHostName  = "localhost";

  $DbUserName  = "username";

  $DbPassWord  = "password";

  $DbBlogTab    = "blog";



// sql-script to create the table 'blogtab'; run it in your db-client, e.g. mysqladmin



# Table structure for table 'XXXXXXXXXX'




  `blid` int(8) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL auto_increment,

  `origuid` varchar(64) default NULL,

  `bldate` datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

  `bltxt` text,

  `blimg` varchar(30) default NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY  (`blid`)




/* END OF CONFIGURATION ***************************************************************/



// some functions  -------------------------------------------

  function get_mime_type(&$structure) {

  $primary_mime_type = array("TEXT", "MULTIPART","MESSAGE", "APPLICATION", "AUDIO","IMAGE", "VIDEO", "OTHER");

  if($structure->subtype) {

  return $primary_mime_type[(int) $structure->type] . '/' .$structure->subtype;


  return "TEXT/PLAIN";


  function get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $structure = false,$part_number    = false) {


  if(!$structure) {

  $structure = imap_fetchstructure($stream, $msg_number);


  if($structure) {

  if($mime_type == get_mime_type($structure)) {

  if(!$part_number) {

  $part_number = "1";


  $text = imap_fetchbody($stream, $msg_number, $part_number);

  if($structure->encoding == 3) {

  return imap_base64($text);

  } else if($structure->encoding == 4) {

  return imap_qprint($text);

  } else {

  return $text;




if($structure->type == 1) /* multipart */ {

  while(list($index, $sub_structure) = each($structure->parts)) {

  if($part_number) {

  $prefix = $part_number . '.';


  $data = get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $sub_structure,$prefix .    ($index + 1));

  if($data) {

  return $data;





  return false;



  function write_to_fs($fileContent, $fileName, $imgDir, $angle) {

    global $forcedwidth, $forcedheight, $imgcomp;


// create unique filename

$ext = explode(".", $fileName);

    $nfn = "i" . substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0, 15) . '.' . $ext[1];

// save file to file system     

    $ih = fopen($imgDir . $nfn, "w");

//    $fileContent = imap_base64($fileContent);

    $fileContent = base64_decode($fileContent);


// fputs($ih, imap_base64($fileContent), strlen(imap_base64($fileContent)));

fputs($ih, $fileContent, strlen($fileContent));


$rfn = $nfn;


$sourcefile  = $imgDir . $nfn;

// rotate file

$nnfn = $nfn;

if($angle == "90" || $angle == "-90" || $angle == "180") {

$xfn = ereg_replace("^i", "x", $nfn);

$rotfile = $imgDir . $xfn;

if ($rot = rotateimage($sourcefile, $rotfile, $angle)) {

$nnfn = $xfn;

$sourcefile = $rotfile;

$rfn = $xfn;



// resize file (either the original oder the rotated one)

$dfn   = ereg_replace("^(x|i)", "r", $nnfn);

$destfile   = $imgDir . $dfn;

if($ext[1]="jpg" || $ext[1]=="jpeg" || $ext[1]=="JPG" || $ext[1]=="JPEG") {

if($res = resampimagejpg ($forcedwidth, $forcedheight, $sourcefile, $destfile, $imgcomp)){

$rfn = $dfn;



  return $rfn;



  function write_to_db($msgBody, $fn, $date, $origuid) {

global $blogtimezone, $DbBlogTab;


//      convert date

$tdate = strtotime($date); //convert to timestamp

$ndate = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i", $tdate + 3600*($blogtimezone)); //format date from timestamp

//      save entry to db

    $blog_ins = "INSERT INTO " . $DbBlogTab . "(blid, origuid, bldate, bltxt, blimg) VALUES ('', '$origuid', '$ndate', '$msgBody', '$fn')";

        $bl_res  = mysql_query($blog_ins);

        if ($bl_res) {

        return true;


return false;



  function resampimagejpg($forcedwidth, $forcedheight, $sourcefile, $destfile, $imgcomp) {








  if(file_exists($g_srcfile)) {


      if($g_is[0] > $g_fw || $g_is[1] > $g_fh) {

      if(($g_is[0]-$g_fw)>=($g_is[1]-$g_fh)) {




      else {




      if ($img_src=@imagecreatefromjpeg($g_srcfile))



      imagecopyresampled($img_dst, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $g_iw, $g_ih, $g_is[0], $g_is[1]);

      imagejpeg($img_dst, $g_dstfile, $g_imgcomp);


      return true;

      } else { return false; }



      return false;



  return false;




  function rotateimage($sourcefile, $destfile, $angle) {

// rotation is clockwise!!

  $img_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($sourcefile);


    if ($angle == 90 || $angle == -90) {


    $nw = $g_is[1];

    $nh = $g_is[0];


else { // its 180 or 360


$nw = $g_is[0];

$nh = $g_is[1];



  $rotate = imagerotate($img_src, 360-$angle, 0);

    imagecopyresampled($img_dst, $rotate, 0, 0, 0, 0, $nw, $nh, $nw, $nh);

  imagejpeg($img_dst, $destfile);


  return true;





  function check_msgid_new($msgid) {

  global $DbBlogTab;

  $mquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS moid FROM " . $DbBlogTab . " WHERE origuid = '$msgid'";

  $mres  = mysql_query($mquery);

  $moid = true;

if($tmoid = mysql_result($mres, "0", "moid")) {

$moid = false;


    return $moid;



// no more functions ----------------------------------------



  $attregexp = "(.(" . $atttypes . "))$";


  mysql_connect("$DbHostName", "$DbUserName", "$DbPassWord");

  mysql_select_db("$DatabaseName") or die ("Unable to connect to SQL Server");


  if ( $mbox = imap_open($ServerName, $UserName,$PassWord, CL_EXPUNGE) ){ 

    if ($hdr = imap_check($mbox)) {

  $msgCount = $hdr->Nmsgs;

  if ($msgCount > 0) {










  $msgid = substr(md5($from . $date . $val->message_id),0, 15);



$subj1 = imap_mime_header_decode($subj);  //decode 8859 subject

$subj2 = explode(">", $subj1[0]->text);   // see if we need to rotate

$angle = '';

if (isset($subj2[1])) {

$angle = $subj2[1];


$recent = $val->recent;

$flagged = $val->flagged;



  $from = ereg_replace("\"","",$from);

      $uid = $val->uid;


if ($subj2[0] == $SubjectCode && check_msgid_new($msgid)) {

// consider $seen??

// get text body

  $dataTxt = get_part($mbox, $msgno, "TEXT/PLAIN");

  $msgBody = ereg_replace("\n","<br>",$dataTxt);


  $msgBody = ereg_replace("(<br>[^a-zA-Z0-9]*)+$", '', $msgBody);

//multiple <br>'s at the end into one


// replace footers

if ($stripfoot != "") {

$msgBody = ereg_replace($stripfoot . ".*", '', $msgBody);



$msgBody = ereg_replace("'", "&#039;", $msgBody); // replace single quotes


$mailformat = "text";


// enter the textpart into the database 

  $db = write_to_db($msgBody, '', $date, $msgid);


// get attachments if any

  $struct = imap_fetchstructure($mbox,$msgno);

  $structpart = $struct->parts;

  $contentParts = count($struct->parts);


  if ($contentParts >= 2) {

for ($j=1;$j<=$contentParts;$j++) {

  $att[$j-1] = imap_bodystruct($mbox,$msgno,$j);


  for ($k=0;$k<sizeof($att);$k++) {

  if ($att[$k]->parameters[0]->value == "us-ascii" || $att[$k]->parameters[0]->value    == "US-ASCII") {

// accept only certain image types (Case sensitive!!)------ 

  if (ereg($attregexp, $att[$k]->parameters[1]->value) || ereg($attregexp, 'x' . $structpart[$k]->subtype)) {

  $fileContent = imap_fetchbody($mbox,$msgno,$k+1);

$fileName = $att[$k]->parameters[1]->value;

// if filename is empty set it to a temporary using the mime subtype as fileext

if ($fileName == "") { $fileName = "temp." . $structpart[$k]->subtype; }

// write file to file system & record to db

$new_fileName = write_to_fs($fileContent, $fileName, $imgDir, $angle);

$db = write_to_db($msgBody, $new_fileName, $date, $msgid);

if ($db) {

$status = imap_clearflag_full ($mbox, imap_uid($mbox,$msgno), "\\SEEN", SE_UID);




  elseif ($att[$k]->parameters[0]->value != "iso-8859-1" &&    $att[$k]->parameters[0]->value != "ISO-8859-1") {

// accept only certain image types (Case sensitive!!)------ 

if (ereg($attregexp, $att[$k]->parameters[1]->value) || ereg($attregexp, 'x' . $structpart[$k]->subtype)) {

  $fileContent = imap_fetchbody($mbox,$msgno,$k+1);

$fileName = $att[$k]->parameters[1]->value;

// if filename is empty set it to a temporary using the mime subtype as fileext

  if ($fileName == "") { $fileName = "temp." . $structpart[$k]->subtype; }

// write file to file system & record to db

$new_fileName = write_to_fs($fileContent, $fileName, $imgDir, $angle);

$db = write_to_db($msgBody, $new_fileName, $date, $msgid);

if ($db) {

$status = imap_clearflag_full ($mbox, imap_uid($mbox,$msgno), "\\SEEN", SE_UID);






  else {

  if ($db) {

$status = imap_clearflag_full ($mbox, imap_uid($mbox,$msgno), "\\SEEN", SE_UID);



  else {

  $status = imap_setflag_full ($mbox, $msgno, "\\Deleted");








// now we output the whole stuff


$show_query = "SELECT * FROM " . $DbBlogTab . " order by blid desc";

$show_res  = mysql_query($show_query);

$oldoid = '';


if ($standalone) {



<script type="text/javascript">

function popitup(url, name, width, height)


var scrstr='';

if(width>=800 || height >=600) { width=800; height=600; scrstr=',scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'; }

var popsize = 'height=' + height + ',width='+width+scrstr;


return false;








echo '<CENTER><I><B>Raggmunk.info</B></I></CENTER><BR><BR>';


while ($drec = mysql_fetch_array ($show_res)) {

$sep = "<BR>";

if ($drec["origuid"] !=  $oldoid ) {

echo '<B>' . date("Y/m/d H:i", strtotime($drec["bldate"])) . '</B>' . '<BR>';

echo '<I>' . $drec["bltxt"] . '</I>';

$oldoid = $drec["origuid"];

$sep = "<BR><BR>";


if (strlen($drec["blimg"]) > 0) {

$oimg = ereg_replace("r", "x", $drec["blimg"]);

    if(!file_exists($imgDir . $oimg)) {

    $oimg = ereg_replace("x", "i", $oimg);


$isiz = getimagesize($imgDir . $oimg);

$wiwi = $isiz[0];

$wihe = $isiz[1];

echo '<BR><A HREF="#" onclick="popitup(\'xxxx.php?img='.$oimg.'\', \'Details\', \''.$wiwi.'\', \''.$wihe.'\'); ">';

// create xxx.php to show the full image!!!

  echo '<IMG SRC="' . $imgDir . $drec["blimg"] . '" border="0"></A>';


echo $sep;


if ($standalone) {

echo '</BODY></HTML>';




Plz Help Obi

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