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I'm struggling with finding some cleaner logic for this.  I'm passing an array to function that is drawing a text input for a form.  $array['class'] can equal the class to be assigned to this input; however, if there's an error in the form processing, it needs the class 'form-text-error' also.  So ... if there's a 'class' array key, I might need to append 'form-text-error' if there's an error.


Can anyone see anything cleaner than this?  I hate 'dirty' code and try to keep what I write as concise and clean as I can.  To me, this seems kinda clunky and the OCD/perfectionist in me says it can be better.  I've been staring at it for three days and figured I'd see if anyone here had any ideas.


	$class = false;
	if(is_array($extras)) {
		foreach($extras as $key=>$value) {
			if($key != 'text' && $key != 'position' && $key != 'class')
				$radio .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
			if($key == 'class') $class = $value;

	if($class) $radio .= ' class="' . $class;
	if($this->hasError) {
		if(array_key_exists($name, $this->errors)){
			if(!$class) $radio .= ' class="form-radio-error"';
			else $radio .= ' form-radio-error"';
		} else {
			$radio .= '"';
	} else {
		$radio .= '"';

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You could clean it up some, making $class the only variable that controls what the CSS class will be (outputting it at the end):

$radio=?; //What is radio? Couldn't this apply to any field / form element?
if (is_array($extras)) {
$check=array('text','position','class'); //This is a little less efficient that the way you have it below, but a little more flexible.
foreach ($extras as $key => $value) {
 if (!in_array($key,$check)) $radio=" $key=\"$value\"";
 if ($key=='class') $class=$value;
if ($this->hasError) {
if (array_key_exists($name,$this->errors)) $class.=' form-radio-error';
else $class=''; //Don't add anything else?
$class=trim($class); //Get rid of the extra whitespace - OCD on formatting 
if ($class) $radio.=" class=\"$class\"";

There's alternate ways to change it. You could just have all of the field's attributes controlled by the array $extras, and on errors have it manipulate the element 'class' (adding it if it doesn't exist) in that array. That might be a little more flexible, and you could divide some of the functionality with that.

Now, what's the point of having it specify 'text' and 'position'? 'text' would just be 'value', and I really don't know what 'position' could be. You could have a sub-array/string in that one array that's style, which either lists the attributes in an array or string.



Applying your own formatting, of course.

The 'text' and 'position' values had to do with the text displayed next to the radio/checkbox.  The function I posted was for a radio input.  The position is either left or right of the radio, and the text is what's displayed:


<input type="radio" value="action_add" name="action" /> Add


'Add' would be the 'text' and 'right' would be the 'position'.  I find myself not using labels for radios/checkboxes, though I probably should.  I usually use the label for the "grouping", not the individual checkboxes/radios.  Later I'll add the 'label' option in there.  In my <textarea> function, for instance, you can add a label and set the position as 'left', 'right', 'above', or 'below'.


I like the idea of the excluded keywords in an array -- that makes it easier to add/subtract later in the game.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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