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[SOLVED] HTML Tags in a LongText


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I have a block of text that occasionally has some text that needs to be bolded or italicized, as well as the occasional table


I have the table set up as follows:

ID / Date / Title / Article


where article is longtext. in that article i have {b}{/b} once in a while but when i pull the data from the table with


$query="SELECT date, title, article FROM News ORDER BY date";

$result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());


$itd = $_GET["id"];

$title = htmlentities(mysql_result($result,$itd,"title"));

$article = htmlentities(mysql_result($result,$itd,"article"));

echo("<h1>" . $title . "</h1><br />");

echo nl2br("<p>" . $article . "</p></div>");






i'm assuming that the nl2br is what is messing it up. possibly. i took it out and just echoed $article but that didn't work either. how can i output what is in article as html code with text instead of just a huge block of text? I hope this hasn't been asked too often. I can't find an answer anywhere. i know the security concerns of having html embedded in sql entries but i can't see any other way of doing it. i'm not gonna break up article entries each time a person wants to bold some text. hopefully someone can help.


any solution whereby i can have parts of the text have different weights is useful. this forum can do it with those buttons up top but i can't figure it out. i'd love to set up a button like that actually.

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god bless you norsk.firefox


works perfectly now. i can't believe no one could help me with that issue. now that i've looked up what the function does it completely makes sense. teach me for copy pasting from tutorials :)


thanks again, you've made my life much easier.

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