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I made this site with my awesome knowledge of PHP and MySQL, and I was hoping you could take a look at it.


The address:


To login:


John Doe




Please just mess around with the stats and stuff and let me know what you think.  Also let me know if you find any security issues.  (I know there are some that can be easily fixed, I have just not got around to that yet...)

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Cross site Scripting(XSS):

You can submit ">code in the players names.


SQL Error:

When adding " to the players names.

ERROR!You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'C","N","N")' at line 1


SQL Error:

When adding " to the stats.

INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','3','C','


INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','3','1B','Someone','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0')

INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','3','2B','


INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','3','SS','


INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','3','3B','


INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','3','LF','


INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','3','CF','


INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','3','RF','




When entering " into the username you reveal your SQL and method of encryption


ERROR!You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"' at line 1


Leaving you open to brute forcing / sql injection. If I find more I'll post here.

SQL Error:

When adding " to stats.

INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','5','C','Tyler Hetzel','','','','','','0','0','','')

INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','5','1B','Someone','','','','0','0','0','0','0','0')

INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','5','2B','Corey','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0')

INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','5','SS','Tyler Hetzel','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0')

INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','5','3B','Tyler Hetzel','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0')

INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','5','LF','Tyler Hetzel','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0')

INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','5','CF','Tyler Hetzel','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0')

INSERT INTO hitting (`team`,`gameid`,`position`,`player`,`ab`,`r`,`h`,`2b`,`3b`,`hr`,`rbi`,`k`,`bb`) VALUES ('V','5','RF','Tyler Hetzel','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0')


I completely forgot, but it is supposed to show those queries. You will notice that most of the ' ' have a 0 in between them, but others do not? The ones without the 0 are the ones you entered an invalid character into, being any symbol.


So, it actually did what it was supposed to do. Also, if you look at the first thing you posted, the " is visible between ' '. I had made it show the queries when I was in the development process, and I just forget to change it.


Thanks for taking another look at that.

Cross Site Scripting(XSS):

You can edit the drop menus when adding a game and submit ">code like I did on http://fmbaseballstats.djpic.net/schedule.php?type=both.


If you edit the drop down menus for managing injured players and add \ you get

ERROR!You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"\"' at line 1


You can also add more teams other then JV and V. I added C, Co and te.

  • 1 month later...

Password type input with autocomplete


The impact of this vulnerability

Possible sensitive information disclosure


How to fix this vulnerability

The password autocomplete should be disabled in sensitive applications.

To disable autocomplete, you may use a code similar to:

<INPUT TYPE="password" AUTOCOMPLETE="off">


Vulnerability description

HTTP TRACE method is enabled on this web server. In the presence of other cross-domain vulnerabilities in web browsers, sensitive header information could be read from any domains that support the HTTP TRACE method.

This vulnerability affects Web Server.

The impact of this vulnerability

Attackers may abuse HTTP TRACE functionality to gain access to information in HTTP headers such as cookies and authentication data.

Attack details

No details are available.


How to fix this vulnerability

Disable TRACE Method on the web server.


User credentials are sent in clear text


The impact of this vulnerability

A third party may be able to read the user credentials by intercepting an unencrypted HTTP connection.


How to fix this vulnerability

Because user credentials usually are considered sensitive information, it is recommended to be sent to the server over an encrypted connection.




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