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I'm trying to get a simple email form to work but it will not.  Here is the code I'm using:

	$to = '[email protected]';
	$from = '[email protected]';
	$subject = 'tesing';
	$body = 'testing';

	if (mail ($to, $subject, $body, $from)) {
	echo 'MAIL - OK'; } else {
	echo 'MAIL FAILED'; }


I want this email to go to [email protected].  I'm not sure if its going anywhere, but the MAIL - OK does come up

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gmail requires authentication


this is not mine but looks sound

[ This explains how to use gmail to send emails in php using PHPMailer]


1 Download PHPMailer from http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net

2 Extract to folder phpmailer

3 Create a file email.php

4 Paste this code and change the values in blue as you need (I modified the sample code given on the PHPMailer homepage)



IsSMTP(); // send via SMTP
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication
$mail->Username = "[email protected]"; // SMTP username
$mail->Password = "password"; // SMTP password
$webmaster_email = "[email protected]"; //Reply to this email ID
$email="[email protected]"; // Recipients email ID
$name="name"; // Recipient's name
$mail->From = $webmaster_email;
$mail->FromName = "Webmaster";
$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap
$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz"); // attachment
$mail->AddAttachment("/tmp/image.jpg", "new.jpg"); // attachment
$mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML
$mail->Subject = "This is the subject";
$mail->Body = "Hi,
This is the HTML BODY "; //HTML Body
$mail->AltBody = "This is the body when user views in plain text format"; //Text Body
  echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
  echo "Message has been sent";

5 Open the file class.smtp.php in phpmailer directory

6 Paste this code

$host = "ssl://smtp.gmail.com";

$port = 465;

before the line 104 #connect to the smtp server

Hint: Search for #connect

7 Open this page in browser and it will send the email using GMail.


Hint: When you want to email the details from a form, set the variables using the form variables.

eg. $mail->Username=$_POST['email']

your sending FROM a gmail account

, thus you need your gmail password, if your not sending from a gmail account your need to check the your POP & SMTP setup in the php.ini file, to check they are your correct email server settings

I have a website hosted with FreeHostia.  They allow php and email and all that.  I don't want to send an email from someones email account to mine, I want my webpage to send an email to me, reporting what someones email address is.  I want the $to part to be my email address b/c I want the email to go to me, and I want the from part to be, I guess, whatever it is that's sending me the email. 

yea everything says to Open a ticket, which I've done.  And my support guy told me to "find a suitable php script" but I'm pretty sure I'm not doing something totally wrong.  Also he was able to get it to work and gave me his code which sort of worked but not really.  He gave me this:

$from = 'From: YourName <[email protected]>';
$to = '[email protected]';
$subject = 'Subject';
$body = 'TEST';

if (mail ($to, $subject, $body, $from)) {
echo 'MAIL - OK'; } else {


This gave me an email in my box but it shouldn't have because its supposed to be FROM me, TO support so idk why it worked.

Also, is there something significant about having From: YourName and <> in sending an email in php?

if you have

$from = 'From: YourName <[email protected]>';

on the clients email app it will show YourName as whos it from but if you reply it goes to [email protected],


when you setup your hosting account they should give you all the details to setup your email on your own email app (ie outlook)


you could try

$from = "From: YourName <[email protected]>\r\nReply-To: [email protected]\r\n";
$to = '[email protected]'; //change to you freehostia email address
$subject = 'Subject';
$body = 'TEST';

if (mail ($to, $subject, $body, $from))
echo 'MAIL - OK'; 
} else {

thats why i said try this

$from = "From: YourName <[email protected]>\r\nReply-To: [email protected]\r\n";

note the "[email protected]" can be any email and when they reply it will go their


so it sends from the freehostia but they will reply to the gmail one

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