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how to iterate a though a recordset without usin, while ($row = mysql_fetch_arra


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I have a table with 4 columbs and 9 rows. The 9 rows are 9 records in a returned recor set. I need to advance the recordset pointer after each </tr>


so the


while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsDraft))




is not going to work here. I need a kind of MSQL Move,next.  Any ideas on this.




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OK I am writing a website for a pub. For sake of arguments 10 beers and 10 records in the database.

Each record has Name of beer , price and ABV.

I have a table of 3 x 10 text boxes. I populate the first row of text boxes with the first row in the recordset. I then advance to the next row and repeat the exsersise. Their will always be 3 x 10.


Microsoft SQLserver has a record.movenext that places the cursor on the next row. so I need



move next


move next



does this help.



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  $rsDraft = mysql_query($sql);
  echo '<table>';
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsDraft)){
    echo "<tr><td>{$row['Name']}</td><td><td>{$row['Price']}</td><td>{$row['ABV']}</td></tr>";
  echo '</table>';

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No this will not work. All that you are doing is putting the database contents into a table and using the while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsDraft).

The data has to be put into a textbox that is in the table. Every textbox has to have its own name. This is a content managment system and the next page will update the database. That is why I need to iterate through the database.


would something like this work???


$SQL = "SELECT * FROM Drinks";

$rsDraft = mysql_query($SQL);


$row = mysql_fetch_array($rsDraft) ?>

<td><input type="text" Name="N1" value = <?= $row["Beer_Name"] ?></td>


<? $row = mysql_fetch_array($rsDraft) ?>

<td><input type="text" Name="N2" value = <?= $row["Beer_Name"] ?></td>








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Yes, but there is an easier way. I assume each entry has a unique id? I'm going to assume the column is called ID.


  $rsDraft = mysql_query($sql);
  echo '<table>';
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsDraft)){
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td><input type="text" name="name['.$row['ID'].']" value="'.htmlspecialchars($row['Name']).'" /></td>';
    echo '<td><input type="text" name="price['.$row['ID'].']" value="'.htmlspecialchars($row['Price']).'" /></td>';
    echo '<td><input type="text" name="abv['.$row['ID'].']" value="'.htmlspecialchars($row['ABV']).'" /></td>';
    echo '</tr>';
  echo '</table>';


On the page it posts to, do a print_r($_POST) and I think you'll be happy to see how cleanly it's organized :)

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OK thanks everyone for all your help. I now have 2 routes to take. One easy problem is how I convert the aray produced by. print_r($_POST);


I have Array ( [N1] => My Drink [P1] => Ni1 [H1] => Ni82 [ABV1] => 7.9 [N2] => My Drink2


How to I read this as Name , Value. I would not know the names of the text boxes or the size of the array.

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That isn't how I told you to set it up :)


You could go that route, where N#,P#,H#,ABV# are the fields, and # changes for each drink, but there is a better way. Do you have an ID for each drink in your table? If not, add one. It should be an INT with auto_increment and it should also be your primary key.


After that, if you use the code I posted before, your HTML will end up looking like this (I took out all the table tags just to show my point):

<input type="text" name="N[1]" value="My Drink" />
<input type="text" name="P[1]" value="Ni1" />
<input type="text" name="H[1]" value="Ni82" />
<input type="text" name="ABV[1]" value="7.9" />

<input type="text" name="N[2]" value="My Drink2" />
<input type="text" name="P[1]" value="Ni5" />
<input type="text" name="H[1]" value="Ni24" />
<input type="text" name="ABV[1]" value="6.2" />

The name syntax, where you reuse the name but change the value inside the square brackets will produce 4 arrays in $_POST:

Array (
  [N] => array( [1] => My Drink, [2] => My Drink2 )
  [P] => array( [1] => Ni1, [2] => Ni5 )
  [H] => array( [1] => Ni82, [2] => Ni24 )
  [ABV] => array( [1] => 7.9, [2] => 6.2 )

The code would then be:

  foreach($_POST['N'] as $id => $name){
    $price = $_POST['P'][$n];
    $h = $_POST['H'][$n];
    $abv = $_POST['ABV'][$n];
    //MySQL UPDATE command here
    //In the update, use SET with each of the 4 values, and a WHERE id = $id

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