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Is it possible to set a file's ctime, atime, mtime?


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I would like to know if it is possible to set a file's timestamps (last modified, last accessed etc.).  I know the functions like filectime etc. get the info., but I want to be able to set it.


Please can you tell me if you know -- is this possible?





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Not that I know of (except for the obvious of opening the file and closing it again to set it to now)


Are you using Linux by any chance? Cus there are commands for manipulating those values which you could run using exec().

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Pretty much as I thought -- I didn't think that there was a php function that does that.  If there was, my life would have been much easier.


The answer is -- my server is linux.  I'll have to look into "exec".  I've also come across "touch" as well.  This makes things more complicated for what I want to do than it would have been if I could have used php (mainly because I'm more familiar with php than with shell scripting).  However, as BASH scripting has very little to do with PHP, I guess that it's not a topic for this forum.


Thanks for your help.

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