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class chat{
var $host="hosthere";
var $user="userhere";
var $db="dbnamehere";
var $pass="dbpasswordhere";

//While also "sending" messages to the database this function also reads your chatroom table, it will "disect" the returned array and find every column and row so there is no need to change this at all
function connect_easy($query)
		$b = array();
		if(!$connect = mysql_connect($this->host,$this->user,$this->pass));
		if(!$dbr = mysql_select_db($this->db));
		if(!($result = mysql_query($query)));
		@$num = mysql_num_rows($result);
		@$num2 = mysql_num_fields($result);
			$a = mysql_fetch_array($result);
					$b[$x][$i] = html_entity_decode($a[$i]);
		return $b;

function show($a){
			//$a[$i][0] would reffer to the first field in your chatroom table, change these to correspond to what information the script needs to know about your table. My columns are (as read left to right) id, username, userlevel, race, message, to, date and are depicted as such by the numbers 0-6, i hope you can understand that ^^
			$id = $a[$i][0];
			$username = $a[$i][1];
			$userlevel = $a[$i][2];
			$race = $a[$i][3];
			$message = $a[$i][4];
			$to = $a[$i][5];
			$date = $a[$i][6];

			$message = eregi_replace('"', "'", $message);
			$message = eregi_replace("<", "<", $message);
			$message = eregi_replace(">", ">", $message);	//Clean the message

			if($userlevel == "1")	//Admin
				if(substr($message, 0, 2) == "/e")	//Sent an Emote message
					$message = substr($message, 3);
					$message = "<i><b><a href='javascript:toptell(\"$username\");'><font color='green' style='text-decoration:none'>".$username."</a></a> ".$message."</font></b></i><br />";
					echo $message;
				else	//Normal Message
					echo("<b><a href='javascript:toptell(\"$username\");'><font color='red' style='text-decoration:none'>".$username."</font></a></b><font color='silver'> says:</font> <font color='#FFFFFF'>".$message."</font><br />");
			elseif($userlevel <= "3")		//Player or Mod
				if(substr($message, 0, 2) == "/e")
					$message = substr($message, 3);
					$message = "<i><a href='javascript:toptell(\"$username\");' target='_parent'><font color='aqua' style='text-decoration:none'>".$username."</a> ".$message."</font></i><br />";
					echo $message;
					echo("<a href='javascript:toptell(\"$username\");' target='_parent'><font color='aqua' style='text-decoration:none'>".$username."</font></a><font color='silver'> says:</font> <font color='#FFFFFF'>".$message."</font><br>");
			}	//Elseif everything else you need to...
function main(){
	echo '<html><head><script language="JavaScript">
			function createRequestObject(){
		var request_;
		var browser = navigator.appName;
		if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){
		 request_ = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
		 request_ = new XMLHttpRequest();
		return request_;

		var http = new Array();
		var http2 = new Array();

		function getInfo(){

		var curDateTime = new Date();
		http[curDateTime] = createRequestObject();

		http[curDateTime].open(\'get\', \'refresh.php\');

		http[curDateTime].onreadystatechange = function(){
			if (http[curDateTime].readyState == 4) 
	        	if (http[curDateTime].status == 200 || http[curDateTime].status == 304) 
	           	 	var response = http[curDateTime].responseText;
	 				document.getElementById(\'view_ajax\').innerHTML = response;


		function getInfo2(){
		var curDateTime = new Date();
		http2[curDateTime] = createRequestObject();
		http2[curDateTime].open(\'get\', \'submit.php?chat=\'+ document.ajax.chat.value);

		function send(){

		function refreshchat(){
		window.setTimeout("refreshchat()", 8000);

		function toptell( cName ){
			if (parent.ajax.chat.value == "") 
				parent.ajax.chat.value="/m " + cName + ": ";
			else if (parent.ajax.chat.value == "/m " + cName + ": ") 
				parent.ajax.chat.value="/id " + cName;
				parent.ajax.chat.value="/m " + cName + ": ";
		<body bgcolor="#000000" onLoad="refreshchat()">
		<form action="JavaScript: send()" method="get" name="ajax">
		<td width="78%"><div align="left"><input type="text" name="chat" size="78%" maxlength="255" class="input">
		<input type="button" class="input" onClick="send()" value="-Send-"></td>
                        <td width=5%><form>
		<div id="view_ajax" style="overflow=auto; width: 100%; height: 600px; border: 0px; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; align="left">
			<center><--- Chat is now preparing, please wait ---></center>


edit wrapped the code tags around the code

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Now that is chat.php, There are other files.. Refresh.php, Chatroom.php + Submit.php


All of this is online.. And on my server.. It works.. Directly from the database.. But not from Chatroom.php ..


If you want the code posting for those also.. Please ask.






edit removed bold tags

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