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Am using this code to select images randomly for diplay on web home page. Is there a way i could make them display switching from one image to the other when someone opens the home page INSTEAD of ONLY one image displaying once.


I want images to flip or change by themselfs while the home page is opened.


<table width="356" height="69" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                  <tr bgcolor="#ededed">
                                    <td height="50" colspan="2" valign="top"><?php
                                        <div align="center"><img src="images/<?php $n;?>.jpg"> </div></td>
                                    <td width="4" height="19" bgcolor="#ededed"><span class="style4"> </span></td>
                                    <td width="359" bgcolor="#ededed">
									case 1:
									$text = "dfgsdgfdgfdgdshfg";

									case 2:
									$text = "sfghsfgjfhjdghjgjgdfgdsf";

									case 3:
									$text = "dsfgsdfgdghfdfg";

									case 4:
									$text = "sdfghfghdjghkjljk;lplj';k'jh";

									case 5:
									$text = "sdfghfhnbfmnnv,nml;.j;.klh;.lhjkfg";

									case 6:
									$text = "dfgdhgfjhfgjhdfhgfg";

									case 7:
									$text = "fdghfgjhfghgfsdfgsdfdgsdfvdfgdfhdgh!";

									case 8:
									$text = "sdfghghfsdfgdsfdsgdfghdfgshdfhsdf";

									case 9:
									$text = "dafgdfsgdfgsdfgdsfgdsfgd!";

									case 10:
									$text = "dfgdfsgdsagdfgdsgdsgfsdgfdahdf";

									case 11:
									$text = "dfgdfhgfhgfh";

									case 12:
									$text = "ghgfhfshgsdfgdsfghgfhfsdghdfdrfg";

										$text = "sdfgdfhggfhfghfhgf";

								echo "<P class='smallText'>$text</P>"; 

                                </table>                                </td>



Thanks in advance..




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check this javascript code


<script language="javascript">Images = new Array(9);

Images[0] = "<img src='Images/code_img1.jpg' >";

Images[1] = "<img src='Images/code_img2.jpg' >";

Images[2] = "<img src='Images/code_img3.jpg' >";

Images[3] = "<img src='Images/code_img4.jpg' >";
Images[4] = "<img src='Images/code_img5.jpg' >";
Images[5] = "<img src='Images/code_img6.jpg' >";
Images[6] = "<img src='Images/code_img7.jpg' >";
Images[7] = "<img src='Images/code_img8.jpg' >";
Images[8] = "<img src='Images/code_img9.jpg' >";

index = Math.floor(Math.random() * Images.length);



may this code help youeach time when page refresh then images are change

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This is how I have done it.


On the page I have a div container with two more divs to hold the images:


<div id="image_container">
<div id="image_one"></div>
<div id="image_two"></div>


By default they are set using the following css:


#image_one {
#image_two {


Then I call a js function at the bottom of the page, I call it twice as I have two images:


setTimeout('imageRotate(\'image_one\', 1, 1, 20000)', 10000);
setTimeout('imageRotate(\'image_two\', 1, 2, 20000)', 20000);


The function takes the name of the image div, ie. image_one, image_two, the next image to show, which array to use, and the time to wait.


This is the function:


function imageRotate(divId, no, arr, time) {

             // set up the two arrays	
var imgArrayOne = new Array('array1_img1.png', 'array1_img2.png', 'array1_img3.png');
var imgArrayTwo = new Array('array2_img1.png', 'array2_img2.png', 'array2_img3.png');	

             // select the chosen array and assign to imgArray variable
if ( arr == 1 ) {
	imgArray = imgArrayOne;
} else {
	imgArray = imgArrayTwo;	

             // select the image div object
layerObject = document.getElementById(divId).style;

             // set the background image to the new image
layerObject.backgroundImage = 'url(img/' + imgArray[no] + ')';	

             // set which image is next, if at end of array set to 0 to start from beginning
if ( no < imgArray.length-1) {	
} else {
	no = 0;	

             // set tmp var to function call with passed in values, and new image value
var tmp = "imageRotate('" + divId + "'," + no + "," + arr + "," + time +")";

setTimeout(tmp, time);

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This is the code and its not working...


<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">

div.image_one {
div.image_two {



<div id="image_container">
<div id="image_one"></div>
<div id="image_two"></div>

<script language="JavaScript">
function imageRotate(divId, no, arr, time) {

             // set up the two arrays	
var imgArrayOne = new Array('logo.jpg', 'main.jpg', 'arrow.bmp');
var imgArrayTwo = new Array('logo.jpg', 'main.jpg', 'arrow.bmp');	

             // select the chosen array and assign to imgArray variable
if ( arr == 1 ) {
	imgArray = imgArrayOne;
} else {
	imgArray = imgArrayTwo;	

             // select the image div object
layerObject = document.getElementById(divId).style;

             // set the background image to the new image
layerObject.backgroundImage = 'url(./' + imgArray[no] + ')';	

             // set which image is next, if at end of array set to 0 to start from beginning
if ( no < imgArray.length-1) {	
} else {
	no = 0;	

             // set tmp var to function call with passed in values, and new image value
var tmp = "imageRotate('" + divId + "'," + no + "," + arr + "," + time +")";

setTimeout(tmp, time);


<script language="JavaScript">
setTimeout('imageRotate(\'image_one\', 1, 1, 20000)', 10000);
setTimeout('imageRotate(\'image_two\', 1, 2, 20000)', 20000);


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