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PHP Shopping Carts - Short time scale high budget project

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Maybe on a php programmers forum, people will tell me to code this myself but I do not have time. I have to complete an eccomerce site in six weeks. I would really appreciate it if you let me know if you know of an industry standard/leading php shopping cart/ cms solution. I am happy to pay as much as it takes if that is the case and I am looking for the following:


Easily templated

Good Support

Advanced shopping cart

Nice look and feel to menu's etc

div based layout ideally.


The main reason I am posting is that I cannot seem to find any companies that are clearly leading the way. As I say, if I could pay for the best possible product I would prefer to as I am on such a short time scale.


Any advice would be amazing. I understand enough php to make additions and small changes but want to save my time on this project. If someone could explain if I am wrong in thinking getting another companies shopping cart system to integrate with my site is the best option, please do.


I have looked at the shopping carts that are made for things like drupal and joomla and they don't seem professional enough in terms of support and feel.


Is there a solution out there or is it just the case that if a client wants something that high end, it is standardly hand coded especially? The project has the budget to code it as a bespoke system but not the time.


Please please help!

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Thanks for the pm's guys but I think my message has been misunderstood. I am not looking to employ someone to code this or setup a shopping cart for me. I just wondered if there is a paid shopping cart that is leading the way, so to speak, or if the open source carts are of the same quality.


I'm really looking for one with good customer support.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have used OSCommerce and have had no problems with it. I do program in PHP/MYSQL so I have been able to apply mods and make my own changes to ensure it works to my customers satifaction.


I looked at Actinic before as it seems to be a well known one but I didn't like the fact you updated products on sofware on a local machine then uploaded. Also, although it is quite powerful you are stuck with the features it has and the way it works.


You will alway find you want to make changes to fit in with how you go about your business so I would go for a an open source solution written in PHP/MYSQL. This way you can get the best of both worlds - a predeveloped system but customised to your requirements.


I cannot speak for the other open source shopping carts as I have no experience but I have no complaints with OScommerce provided you have someone who can make changes for you.


If you want any more information on OScommerce as a solution let me know.



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