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' gets changed to ' in fwrite script? how do i stop that


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i have an fwite script which writes to a txt file which i am php including.


If I write this to the file


<?php include('../base/newbox.php'); ?>


it gets written as


<?php include(\'../base/newbox.php\'); ?>


any ideas how to stop it writing the '/'s?

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yes sorry, there are 2 slashes no both sides, its just the forum does funny things to back slashes [ code ]


here is my code


$flsh = '../data/profile/flash.txt';


$handlefl = fopen($flsh, 'w');
fwrite($handlefl, $flash);




<?php include('data/profile/flash.txt'); ?>


whereabouts do i put the strip slashes?


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sorry i wasn't clear, i have an fwrite script that lets the user wrote a bit of code to a text file


I think am including the text file in the main document in a sepperate box


I want the user to be able to add


<?php include('../base/newbox.php'); ?>


to the text file which will give them a second box so for example flash.txt may say



<u>Information 1</u><br>
I like chips

<?php include('../base/newbox.php'); ?>

<u>Information 2</u><br>
I don't like bread


however if I add hte php include script into flash.txt its changes ' to /' then says it wasn't expecting a / and erors.

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Ok so your actually writing the code to a text file.. exactly as I see it now, or are you writing the text above/below AND the contents of newbox.php?


<u>Information 1</u><br>
I like chips

<?php include('../base/newbox.php'); ?>

<u>Information 2</u><br>
I don't like bread


Or are you writing...


<u>Information 1</u><br>
I like chips

(the output of the php part)

<u>Information 2</u><br>
I don't like bread


The reason this is happening is because magic_quotes_gpc is enabled on your server (like most servers). This setting automatically adds the slashes. So you need to strip them. If you are writing the actual php code to a text file, then whatever variable that text is stored in.. use this:


$mytext = "<u>Information 1</u><br>
I like chips

<?php include('../base/newbox.php'); ?>

<u>Information 2</u><br>
I don't like bread";

// This will output

// <u>Information 1</u><br>
// I like chips

// <?php include('../base/newbox.php'); ?>

// <u>Information 2</u><br>
// I don't like bread


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