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[SOLVED] problems invovling link and validating


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Hello there i am required by my college for my site to be valid in xhtml strict.


i have a certian peice of code on my links page so that when the user clicks on the links varible it will go to that page


  // create the article list
   $messege = '<ol>';
   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
      list($l_id, $ltitle, $lname) = $row;
      $messege .= "<li>$ltitle</li><li><a href=$lname>$lname</a></li>\r\n";


but when validating it for xhtml strict it dosent like it one bit


it says:

Error  Line 99, Column 35: an attribute value specification must be an attribute value literal unless SHORTTAG YES is specified .

<ol><li>SCO forums</li><li><a href=http://scoclan.15.forumer.com/>http://scoclan

# Error  Line 99, Column 41: NET-enabling start-tag not immediately followed by null end-tag .

…<li>SCO forums</li><li><a href=http://scoclan.15.forumer.com/>http://scoclan.


This error may occur when there is a mistake in how a self-closing tag is closed, e.g '.../ >'. The proper syntax is '... />' (note the position of the space).

any help on changing this peice of code so that it validates and dosent break it at the same time ?



Added code tags ~ CV

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ye sorry i didnt put that bit in


   $messege = '<ol>';
   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
      list($l_id, $ltitle, $lname) = $row;
      $messege .= "<li>$ltitle</li><li><a href=$lname>$lname</a></li>\r\n";

   $messege .= '</ol>';

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You need quotes or something around the $lname after the href=

   $messege = '<ol>';
   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
      list($l_id, $ltitle, $lname) = $row;
      $messege .= "<li>$ltitle</li><li><a href='$lname'>$lname</a></li>\r\n";

   $messege .= '</ol>';

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ohh blimey it looks like it works with single quotues :D i thought that i had to use doubles

   $messege = '<ol>';
   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
      list($l_id, $ltitle, $lname) = $row;
      $messege .= "<li>$ltitle</li><li><a href='$lname'>$lname</a></li>\r\n";

   $messege .= '</ol>';


here is the fixed version hope it helps anyone out there who has the same problem and it validates

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