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XML File has funny characters due to includes


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Every time I include and external file I get a single dot in my file output.  This is screwing up my XML output.  Here is a test I put together to illustrate what is happening.

---------These next 5 lines are in a file called test.php---------



echo "<Modules>";

echo "</Modules>";



---------These next 4 lines are in a file called x.php in the includes directory ---------






---------When I view source in IE I notice there is a dot/bullet point at the start of the output------

---- I think it is some sort of unicode character.  If I include 5 files, I get 5 of these dots -----




Any ideas?






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I don't think I have enough information to fully help you here but have you thought about using include_once instead of include


Trust me that is a dumb response to consider but we are dealing with Internet Explorer here Microsoft does some really messed up things.


Does this still happen in FireFox?


I don't see any issues in your code but double check for the period in your include files or post more of your code.

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It isn't IE.  I have problems in Firefox too.  I am really trying to get my Flash app to read it and Flash has trouble with it as well.

include_once gave me the same issue.


I am quite convinced that there are no funny characters inside the include files.  Heck, I create a new blank include file and it still gives me the problem.  Basically, once dot per include statement.

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I think I figured it out.  I was using EditPad Lite to create my PHP files.  When I use straight Notepad I don't get this problem.  In EditPad I then saved the files as ISO-8859 and it pretty much cleared up.

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