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[SOLVED] PHP mail problem


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Hi, I'm having a problem with php mail. I can seem to set the 'from' thing, so everytime my email gets sent it currently says"From:domain@borden.nswebhost.com" when it should say "From Support@********.com".


Here is my code:


// ---------------- SEND MAIL FORM ---------------- 

// send e-mail to ...

// Your subject 
$subject="******** - Your New Password!"; 

// From 
$from ='******** <support@********.com>';

$name = $rows['name'];
$messages = "<img src=\"".$emailheaderimage."\" /><br><br>";
$messages.="Dear $name <br>";
$messages.="You have requested to reset your password on ".$sitedomain.". If you did not request this, please ignore it.<br><br>";
$messages.="<b> Your new password is $new_password </b><br><br>";
$messages.="To login with your new password, please visit the following page:<br>";
$messages.="<a href=\"".$siteurl."index.php?p=ologin\">".$siteurl."index.php?p=ologin</a><br><br>";
$messages.="Thank You<br> The ******* Team ";

$mailheaders = 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n';

// send email 
$sentmail = mail($to,$from,$subject,$messages,$mailheaders); 





p.s ******** == My domain

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Hi, thanks for elping, I have chaged what you said, bu still dosent work, btw....


$sentmail = mail($to,$from,$subject,$messages,$mailheaders);


Is supposed to be....

$sentmail = mail($to,$subject,$messages,$mailheaders);


Is that right?, If it is he first one I get errors.




I really, really need to fix this, Any help would be very greatful. Cheers, Sean

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from is supposed to be in the headers.

// ---------------- SEND MAIL FORM ---------------- 

// send e-mail to ...

// Your subject 
$subject="******** - Your New Password!"; 

// From 
$from ='******** <support@********.com>';

$name = $rows['name'];
$messages = "<img src=\"".$emailheaderimage."\" /><br><br>";
$messages.="Dear $name <br>";
$messages.="You have requested to reset your password on ".$sitedomain.". If you did not request this, please ignore it.<br><br>";
$messages.="<b> Your new password is $new_password </b><br><br>";
$messages.="To login with your new password, please visit the following page:<br>";
$messages.="<a href=\"".$siteurl."index.php?p=ologin\">".$siteurl."index.php?p=ologin</a><br><br>";
$messages.="Thank You<br> The *********** Team ";
$mailheaders = "From: ".$from;
$mailheaders .= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n';

// send email 
$sentmail = mail($to,$subject,$messages,$mailheaders); 

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Is that right?, If it is he first one I get errors.


No thats wrong


see this line

// From

$from ='******** <support@********.com>';



$from ='******** <support@********.com>';


$from ='support@********.com <support@********.com>';

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jonsjava, when I do wha you aid, I get the email to...


<img src="http://www.*****.com/images/email_header.gif" /><br><br>Dear Sean Preston <br>You have requested to reset your password on *****. If you did not request this, please ignore it.<br><br><b> Your new password is 60ecfe02 </b><br><br>To login with your new password, please visit the following page:<br><a href="http://www.*****.com/index.php?p=ologin">http://www.*****.com/index.php?p=ologin</a><br><br>Thank You<br> The *****Team 


Ummm, so its not seeing the headers as headers, so its showing text not html.

The actual from par of the email when eceives has all the ehaders in it, if you get me.

basically, the code is deactivating the Content-Type headers




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one solution is the MIME mail class:


/* ---------------------------------------------------------
   MIME Class:
   Allows creation of e-mail messages via the MIME Standard.
   The class supports multiple attachments and presenting 
   an e-mail in HTML.
--------------------------------------------------------- */
include ("MIME.def");

class MIME_mail {
 var $to;
 var $from;
 var $subject;
 var $body;
 var $headers = "";
 var $errstr="";

 // these are the names of the encoding functions, user
 // provide the names of user-defined functions

 var $base64_func= '';		# if !specified use PHP's base64  
 var $qp_func = '';      	# None at this time

 // If do not have a local mailer..use this array to pass info of an SMTP object
 // e.g. $mime_mail->mailer = array('name' => 'smtp', method => 'smtp_send()');
 // 'name' is the name of the object less the $ and 'method' can have parameters
 // specific to itself.  If you are using MIME_mail object's to, from, etc.
 // remember to send parameters a literal strings referring 'this' object!!!!
 // If in doubt, you are probably better off subclassing this class...
 var $mailer = "";	# Set this to the name of a valid mail object

 var $mimeparts = array(); 

// Constructor.
function MIME_mail($from="", $to="", $subject="", $body="", $headers = "") {
$this->to = $to;
$this->from = $from;
$this->subject = $subject;
$this->body = $body;
if (is_array($headers)) {
	if (sizeof($headers)>1) 
		$headers=join(CRLF, $headers);
if ($from) {
$headers = preg_replace("!(from:\ ?.+?[\r\n]?\b)!i", '', $headers);
$this->headers = chop($headers);
$this->mimeparts[] = "" ;	//Bump up location 0;
$this->errstr = "";

/* ---------------------------------------------------------
 Attach a 'file' to e-mail message
 Pass a file name to attach.
 This function returns a success/failure code/key of current
 attachment in array (+1). Read attach() below.
--------------------------------------------------------- */
function fattach($path, $description = "", $contenttype = OCTET, $encoding = BASE64, $disp = '') {
$this->errstr = "";
if (!file_exists($path)) {
	$this->errstr = "File does not exist";
	return 0;
// Read in file
$fp = fopen($path, "rb");	# (b)inary for Win compatability
if (!$fp) {
	$this->errstr = "fopen() failed";
	return 0;	//failed
$contenttype .= ";\r\n\tname=".basename($path);
$data = fread($fp, filesize($path));
return $this->attach($data, 

/* ---------------------------------------------------------
 Attach data provided by user (rather than a file)
 Useful when you want to MIME encode user input
 like HTML. NOTE: This function returns key at which the requested
 data is attached. IT IS CURRENT KEY VALUE + 1!!
 Construct the body with MIME parts
--------------------------------------------------------- */
function attach($data, $description = "", $contenttype = OCTET, $encoding = BASE64, $disp = '') {
$this->errstr = "";
if (empty($data)) {
	$this->errstr = "No data to be attached";
	return 0;
if (trim($contenttype) == '') $contenttype = OCTET ;
if (trim($encoding) == '') $encoding = BASE64;
if ($encoding == BIT7) $emsg = $data;
elseif ($encoding == QP) 
	$emsg = $$this->qp_func($data);
elseif ($encoding == BASE64) {
	if (!$this->base64_func) 	# Check if there is user-defined function
		$emsg = base64_encode($data);
		$emsg = $$this->base64_func($data);
$emsg = chunk_split($emsg);
//Check if content-type is text/plain and if charset is not specified append default CHARSET
if (preg_match("!^".TEXT."!i", $contenttype) && !preg_match("!;charset=!i", $contenttype)) 
	$contenttype .= ";\r\n\tcharset=".CHARSET ;
$msg = sprintf("Content-Type: %sContent-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s%s%s",
((($description) && (BODY != $description))?"Content-Description: $description".CRLF:""),
($disp?"Content-Disposition: $disp".CRLF:""),
BODY==$description? $this->mimeparts[0] = $msg: $this->mimeparts[] = $msg ;
return sizeof($this->mimeparts);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------
 Construct mail message header from info already given.
 This is a very important function.  It shows how exactly
 the MIME message is constructed.
--------------------------------------------------------- */
function build_message() {

$this->errstr = "";
$msg = "";
$boundary = 'PM'.chr(rand(65, 91)).'------'.md5(uniqid(rand()));	# Boundary marker
$nparts = sizeof($this->mimeparts);

// Case 1: Attachment list is there.  Therefore MIME Message header must have multipart/mixed
	if (is_array($this->mimeparts) && ($nparts > 1)):
	$c_ver = "MIME-Version: 1.0".CRLF;
	$c_type = 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'.CRLF."\tboundary=\"$boundary\"".CRLF;
	$c_enc = "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ".BIT7.CRLF;
	$c_desc = $c_desc?"Content-Description: $c_desc".CRLF:"";

// Since we are here, it means we do have attachments => body must become an attachment too.
	if (!empty($this->body)) {
		$this->attach($this->body, BODY, TEXT, BIT7);

// Now create the MIME parts of the email!
	for ($i=0 ; $i < $nparts; $i++) {
		if (!empty($this->mimeparts[$i])) 
     		  $msg .= CRLF.'--'.$boundary.CRLF.$this->mimeparts[$i].CRLF;
	$msg .= '--'.$boundary.'--'.CRLF;
	$msg = $c_ver.$c_type.$c_enc.$c_desc.$warning.$msg;
	if (!empty($this->body)) $msg .= $this->body.CRLF.CRLF;
return $msg;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------
 Now Generate the entire Mail Message, header and body et al.
--------------------------------------------------------- */
function gen_email($force=false) {

$this->errstr = "";
if (!empty($this->email) && !$force) return $this->email ;  // saves processing
$email = "";
if (empty($this->subject)) $this->subject = NOSUBJECT;
if (!empty($this->from)) $email .= 'From: '.$this->from.CRLF;
if (!empty($this->headers)) $email .= $this->headers.CRLF;
$email .= $this->build_message();
$this->email = $email;
return $this->email;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------
 Printable form
--------------------------------------------------------- */
function print_mail($force=false) {
$this->errstr = "";
$email =  $this->gen_email($force);
if (!empty($this->to)) $email = 'To: '.$this->to.CRLF.$email;
if (!empty($this->subject)) $email = 'Subject: '.$this->subject.CRLF.$email;
print $email;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------
 Send mail via local mailer
--------------------------------------------------------- */
function send_mail($force=false) {
$this->errstr = "";
$email = $this->gen_email($force);
if (empty($this->to)) {
	$this->errstr = "To Address not specified";
	return 0;
if (is_array($this->mailer) && (1 ==  sizeof($this->mailer)) ) {
	$mail_obj = $this->mailer['name'];
	$mail_method = $this->mailer['method'];
	if (empty($mail_obj)) {
		$this->errstr = "Invalid object name passed to send_mail()";
		return 0;
	global $mail_obj;
	eval("$ret = \$$mail_obj".'->'."$mail_method;");
	return $ret;
return mail($this->to, $this->subject, "", $email);
} // Class End


/* -----------------------------------------------------------
  Constants used inside the class.   This file is included
  by the class module and these constants an be freely
  used in scripts using MIME_mail class
----------------------------------------------------------- */

define('BASE64', 'base64');
define('BIT7', '7bit');
define('QP', 'quoted_printable');
define('NOSUBJECT', '(No Subject)');
define('WARNING', 'This is a MIME encoded message');
define('OCTET', 'application/octet-stream');
define('TEXT', 'text/plain');
define('HTML', 'text/html');
define('JPEG', 'image/jpg');
define('GIF', 'image/gif');
define('CRLF', "\r\n");
define('CHARSET', 'us-ascii');
define('INLINE', 'inline');
define('ATTACH', 'attachment');
define('BODY', CRLF.'BODY'.CRLF);

and to use it:

// ---------------- SEND MAIL FORM ---------------- 

// send e-mail to ...

// Your subject 
$subject="******** - Your New Password!"; 

// From 
$from ='******** <support@********.com>';

$name = $rows['name'];
$messages = "<img src=\"".$emailheaderimage."\" /><br><br>";
$messages.="Dear $name <br>";
$messages.="You have requested to reset your password on ".$sitedomain.". If you did not request this, please ignore it.<br><br>";
$messages.="<b> Your new password is $new_password </b><br><br>";
$messages.="To login with your new password, please visit the following page:<br>";
$messages.="<a href=\"".$siteurl."index.php?p=ologin\">".$siteurl."index.php?p=ologin</a><br><br>";
$messages.="Thank You<br> The ********** Team ";
// send email 
$mime = new MIME_mail($from, $to, $subject);
$mime->attach($messages, "", HTML, BASE64);

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<img src="http://www.****.com/images/email_header.gif" />

Dear Sean Preston <br>You have requested to reset your password on ****.com. If you did not request this, please ignore it.

<b> Your new password is afe2bf87 </b>

To login with your new password, please visit the following page:
<a href="http://www.****.com/index.php?p=ologin">http://www.********.com/index.php?p=ologin</a>

Thank You 
The H**** Team 


So, now the new lines are there, but the images and links do appear, so the html is still disabled in the content tag.




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