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selecting multiple data from differnt tables in a datbase


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Can anyone explain how to select two tables and display data from each table on the same page ????


Thanks in advance


here is the page im trying to do it on !! i can get the first one sorted just cannot get the second table working it is for the user info at the bottom of the page.








// Retrieve data from database

$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE item_id='$item_id'";



// Start looping rows in mysql database.






<table class= "select_header"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td style="width: 392px">Buying item : <? echo $rows['item_id']; ?> </td>




<table class= "select_myebaygrey"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td class="style31">CAUTION, CAUTION, CAUTION !!!!!!! </td> </tr>





<img alt="caution" src="caution.jpg" /></td>

<td style="width: 86%"><strong><span class="style32">Caution you

are about to purchase this item !</span></strong><br />

<br />

<span class="style19">If you do not want to please go back

immediately as when ever this form is processed you will have to

pay for this item.<br />

<br />

Please insure all details are filled in and then submit the

form.<br />

<br />

<strong>Thanks for shopping with Urbanwear.</strong></span></td></tr>







<table class= "select_myebaygrey"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td>Item Title : </td><td style="width: 370px"><? echo $rows['item_name']; ?></td>




<table class= "select_main"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">

<tr><td style="width: 227px"rowspan="7"><? echo "<img src='images/". $rows['item_image'] . "' style='width:200px; height:200px;' />";?></td></tr>

<tr><td style="width: 125px" class="style29"><span class="style28">Starting price :</span> £</td><td><? echo $rows['item_starting_price']; ?></td></tr>

<tr><td class="style29" style="width: 125px"><span class="style28">Current price  :</span> £</td><td></td></tr>

<tr><td style="width: 125px" class="style29"><span class="style28">Time left : 

</span> </td><td><? echo $rows['end_date']; ?></td></tr>

<tr><td class="style29" style="width: 125px"><span class="style28">Seller ID : 

</span> </td><td><? echo $rows['user_id']; ?></td></tr>

<tr><td class="style30" style="width: 125px">Number of bids :    </td><td></td></tr>

<tr><td class="style30" style="width: 125px">Highest Bidder :    </td><td></td></tr>



<table class= "select_myebaygrey"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td style="width: 370px">Item Description :




<table class= "select_des"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">

<tr><td class="des" style="width: 525px"><? echo $rows['item_description']; ?></td></tr>





<table class= "select_myebaygrey"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td> </td>



<table class= "select_main"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td style="width: 100%" class="style33">Please insure all of these

details are correct! If some of them are incorrect please go back to your

account first and modify the incorrect details and then return.</td> </tr>




<table class= "select_myebaygrey"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td>This Product will be posted to this address !</td>




<table class= "select_main"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td class="controls1" style="width: 108px">First Name</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['name']; ?></td>



<td class="controls1" style="width: 108px">Last Name</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['lastname']; ?></td>



<td class="controls1" style="width: 108px">Address</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['addresse_line_1']; ?></td>



<td class="controls1" style="width: 108px">City</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['addresse_line_2']; ?></td>



<td class="controls2" style="width: 108px; text-align: left;">Postcode</td><td class="details1"><? echo $rows2['postcode']; ?></td>





<table class= "select_myebaygrey"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td>This Product will be charged to this Bank account Information !</td>




<table class= "select_main"width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">


<td class="controls1" style="width: 112px">Account Holders First Name</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['account_fn']; ?></td>



<td class="controls1" style="width: 112px">Account Holders Last Name</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['account_ln']; ?></td>



<td class="controls1" style="width: 112px">Account Bank</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['account_bank']; ?></td>



<td class="controls1" style="width: 112px">Account Type</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['account_type']; ?></td>



<td class="controls1" style="width: 112px">Account Number</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['account_account']; ?></td>



<td class="controls1" style="width: 112px">Account Sort Code</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['account_sort']; ?></td>



<td class="controls1" style="width: 112px">Account Valid From</td><td class="details" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['account_valid']; ?></td>



<td class="controls2" style="width: 112px; text-align: left;">Account Expires On</td><td class="details1" style="width: 100px"><? echo $rows2['account_expires']; ?></td>







<tr><td><strong><span class="style34">If you are sure all of this

information is correct please </span></strong>                                  </td><td><input name="Submit1" type="submit" value="Pay for this item !" /></td></tr>







// close while loop



// close connection




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