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Upgraded Site


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Hi all. Firstly thank you for all your comments when I originally posted my site.  It was based on a table template that I was given (I had never built a website before). There were many validation problems and a lot of fixing was needed.


Now, after 3/4 of a year learning about the web from knowing nothing to html to php and a bit in between I got to the point where I have been able to turn the site into my first forray into CSS.  Finally the site is all mine.... every bit of the programming is now done by me alone.... so all criticism lands purely on my shoulders  :-\


The site is:



There are still some problems.

If anybody can tell me how to fix the problem with the main div and rightcol (which is on the left) on


I'd be delighted.


Other than that comment away.  BTW the background stays..... so says the boss.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


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I just fixed the problem on page 4 of the jobs page.... I remembered min-height.  Would like some suggestions about what to do with the navigation. At present when you click on "Advice Centre" it opens up a new line of options.  Same thing happens when you are viewing job details or in the application form. It's a bit messy but I'm not sure what to do to make it better. Somebody suggested using some java for a dropdown but I have gone out of my way to ensure that there is no java on the site..... still, if that's the best option that's the best option.


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