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[SOLVED] BETWEEN a rock and a hard place


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Having trouble trying to get this search script working. I need queries to be run if only one or both fields have been filled. There are multiple fields in the page and each set has a different query to search for profiles on the db. For what ever reason I can not get the switch function nor the if else statements to work properly. I am posting code to both files. If someone can help me I would be extremely grateful.


search form

<form name="frmAdvSearch" method="get" action="presults.php" onSubmit="return cnvtfrac(this)">
	<select id=select1 name=cmbCategory style=HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 153px><option value="" selected><font face=Verdana size=2>All Moldings</font></option><option value="Back_Band">Back Band</option><option value="Base">Base</option><option value="Base_Cap">Base Cap</option><option value="Base_Shoe">Base Shoe</option><option value="Brick_Mold">Brick Mold</option><option value="Casing">Casing</option><option value="Chair_Rail">Chair Rail</option><option value="Corner_Mold">Corner Mold</option><option value="Cornice">Cornice</option><option value="Cove">Cove</option><option value="Crown">Crown</option><option value="Decorative">Decorative</option><option value="Dentil">Dentil</option><option value="Flat_Stock">Flat Stock</option><option value="Half_Round">Half Round</option><option value="Jamb_Stock">Jamb Stock</option><option value="Panel_Mold">Panel Mold</option><option value="Plant_On">Plant On</option><option value="Quarter_Round">Quarter Round</option><option value="Stop">Stop</option><option value="Stucco_Mold">Stucco Mold</option></select><br /><br />
	<span class="style10">With a thickness of </span>
	<input name="thick1" maxlength="10" size="15" style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 157px"> 
	<span class="style10">to</span> 
	<input name="thick2" maxlength="10" size="15" style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 163px"><br />
	<span class="style10">and a Width of       </span> 
	<input name="height1" maxlength="10" size="15" style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 156px"> 
	<span class="style10">to</span> 
	<input name="height2" maxlength="10" size="15" style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 162px"><br /><br />
	<span class="style10">and include item numbers that start with</span> <input name="item1" maxlength="15" size="30" style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 156px">
	<span class="style10">(Blank for all)</span><br />
	<span class="style10">and include only items with description containing</span><br />
	<input name="descr" maxlength="60" size="80" style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 458px" />
	<span class="style10">(blank for all)</span><br />
	<span class="style10">and show me only items that were added between date (Format: yyyy-mm-dd)</span><br />
	<input type="text" name="date1" /> 
	<span class="style10">and date</span> <input type="text" name="date2" value=""  /><br />
	        <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
        <input type="reset" name="Submit2" value="Reset">

and heres the code for the results page.

case ($_GET['thick1']=="" && $_GET['thick2']==""):
$q="select * from $table where pthick like $_GET[thick1] and pthick like $_GET[thick2]";
case ($_GET['thick1']!="" && $_GET['thick2']!=""):
$q="select * from $table where pthick between $_GET[thick1] and $_GET[thick2]";
case ($_GET['thick1']!="" && $_GET['thick2']==""):
$q="select * from $table where pthick = $_GET[thick1]";
case ($_GET['thick1']=="" && $_GET['thick2']!=""):
$q="select * from $table where pthick = $_GET[thick2]";

case ($_GET['height1']=="" && $_GET['height2']==""):
$q="select * from $table where pwidth like $_GET[height1] and pwidth like $_GET[height2]";
case ($_GET['height1']!="" && $_GET['height2']!=""):
$q="select * from $table where pwidth between $_GET[height1] and $_GET[height2]";
case ($_GET['height1']!="" && $_GET['height2']==""):
$q="select * from $table where pwidth = $_GET[height1]";
case ($_GET['height1']=="" && $_GET['height2']!=""):
$q="select * from $table where pwidth = $_GET[height2]";

case ($_GET['item1']==""):
$q="select * from $table where itemno != $_GET[item1]";
case ($_GET['item1']!=""):
$q="select * from $table where itemno like $_GET[item1]";

case ($_GET['descr']==""):
$q="select * from $table where itemno != $_GET[descr]";
case ($_GET['descr']!=""):
$q="select * from $table where itemno like $_GET[descr]";

case ($_GET['date1']=="" && $_GET['date2']==""):
$q="select * from $table where pdate like $_GET[date1] and pdate like $_GET[date2]";
case ($_GET['date1']!="" && $_GET['date2']!=""):
$q="select * from $table where pdate between $_GET[date1] and $_GET[date2]";
case ($_GET['date1']!="" && $_GET['date2']==""):
$q="select * from $table where pdate = $_GET[date1]";
case ($_GET['date1']=="" && $_GET['date2']!=""):
$q="select * from $table where pdate = $_GET[date2]";
if (isset($_GET['thick1']) && isset($_GET['thick2'])){
$q="select * from profiles where pthick between '$thick1' and '$thick2' order by pid LIMIT $start,$limit";
if (!empty($height1) && !empty($height2)){
$q="select * from profiles where pwidth between '$height1' and '$height2' or pwidth = '$height1' or pwidth = '$height2' order by pid LIMIT $start,$limit";
	$q="select * from profiles where pdesc like '%$descr%' order by pid LIMIT $start,$limit";
		$q="select * from profiles where itemno like '%$item1%' order by pid LIMIT $start,$limit";
			if(isset($date1) && isset($date2)){
			$q="select * from profiles where pdate between '$date1' and '$date2' or pdate = '$date1' or pdate = '$date2' order by pid LIMIT $start,$limit";
				$q="select * from profiles where ptype like '%$cmbCategory%' order by pid LIMIT $start,$limit";
				}elseif(isset($cmbNewCategory) || isset($_GET['GO'])){
					$q="select * from profiles where ptype like '%$cmbNewCategory%' order by pid LIMIT $start,$limit";


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