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Hello, I don't know if this is the right place to post, but I have a problem with my script. So here it goes. I have a contact page wich requeires some fields to be completed. The problem is when i type in the browser ?action=validate it inserts in the db a blank email adress and sends the mail with blank fields.


The code loooks like this:


$smarty = new Smarty();
//We declare the sessions
if(!isset($_SESSION['nume'])) $_SESSION['nume'] = '';
if(!isset($_SESSION['email'])) $_SESSION['email'] = '';
if(!isset($_SESSION['subiect'])) $_SESSION['subiect'] = '';
if(!isset($_SESSION['mesaj'])) $_SESSION['mesaj'] = '';
if(!isset($_GET['actiune'])) $_GET['actiune'] = '';


	case '':
        $smarty->assign('titlu_formular', 'Formular de contact');
        $campuri = array('nume' => array('camp' => 'Nume', 'valoare' => $_SESSION['nume']),
                         'email' => array('camp' => 'E-mail', 'valoare' => $_SESSION['email']),
                         'subiect' => array('camp' => 'Subiect', 'valoare' => $_SESSION['subiect']));
        $textarea = array('mesaj' => array('camp' => 'Mesaj', 'valoare' => $_SESSION['mesaj']));
        $smarty->assign('textarea', $textarea);
        $smarty->assign('formular', $campuri);
        case 'validate':
	$_SESSION['nume'] = $_POST['nume'];
        $_SESSION['email'] = $_POST['email'];
        $_SESSION['subiect'] = $_POST['subiect'];
        $_SESSION['mesaj'] = $_POST['mesaj'];

                $smarty->assign('done', 'Mesajul a fost trimis cu succes!');
                $sql_insert_mail = "INSERT INTO `adrese` (`email`) VALUES ('".addentities($_SESSION['email'])."')";
                mysql_query($sql_insert_mail)or die('Nu am putut adauga adresa in baza de date!');
                $catre = '[email protected]';
                $data_trimitere = date('d-m-Y H:i:s');
                $subiect = $_SESSION['subiect'];
                $mesaj = '
                <title>Formular de contact</title>
                <p><tt>Data trimitere: '.$data_trimitere.'</tt></p>
                <td><tt>Nume: '.$_SESSION['nume'].'</tt></td>
                <td><tt>E-mail: '.$_SESSION['email'].'</tt></td>
                <td><tt>Subiect: '.$_SESSION['subiect'].'</tt></td>
                $headere  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
                $headere .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
                $headere .= "From: ".$_SESSION['email']."\r\n";
                mail($catre, $subiect, $mesaj, $headere);
                $_SESSION['nume'] = '';
                $_SESSION['email'] = '';
                $_SESSION['subiect'] = '';
                $_SESSION['mesaj'] = '';




Quick mention: I made an if statement that checks if the session is blank but it seems to skip that declaration. . I don't need a rewrite of the script just an explanation where I did wrong. Thank you

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I don't know if this will help at all..... I'm a noobie, but try removing


$_SESSION['nume'] = '';
                $_SESSION['email'] = '';
                $_SESSION['subiect'] = '';
                $_SESSION['mesaj'] = '';

from the end of your case.

I think it sets email, suiect, and mesaj to be blank.

apologies if I have it all wrong.

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The script uses Smarty Web Templates engine. The $_POSTS are empty... I made something like this, but I have no ideea where to put this to in the code.

if ($_POST['nume']==''||$_POST['email']==''||$_POST['subiect']==''||$_POST['mesaj']==''{

print("Display some error here!");


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