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[SOLVED] Connecting to something other than local host for mysql


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I just realized all of my work has demanded me use a local mysql database. Now I need to connect to another database being served by the computer across the room from me.  I have tried using the IP address and even the pc name but no luck. Anybody know the trick?

I am getting:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'user'@'myComputer' (using password: YES) in X:\xampp\htdocs\ticket\run\parts_report.module.php on line 38
Cannot connect to database on otherComputer:

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It's a MySQL setting per user. phpMyAdmin is a tool to help manage MySQL


When adding a user to MySQL, the default is to only allow connections from localhost. You need to specify that the user can connect from anywhere, or at least a specific IP.



p.s. - this should be moved to the MySQL forum

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you have to allow the user you are logging in as, access from remote locations. In phpmyadmin just open up the mysql database then go to the users table. find the user you want remote access for and change the host to "%" without the quotes. You must be logged into phpmyadmin as root or someone who has rights to the table.


Either that or get some admin tools from the mysql site




This will allow you to setup users and rights



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