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Problem using Elseif


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I dont understand what iv done wrong here?


Error is on line 69



<?php $title = "Gem Store"; include("header.php"); ?>

<b>Store Owner:</b> Welcome to my store! Here you can <i>Buy</i> and <i>Sell</i> many different Priceless Stones..<br><br><br> 

if ($stat[gembag] == 0 ) {

	Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> You dont appear to have a <i>Gem Bag</i>! How do you expect to collect all the precious stones that are available in this wonderful Town?<br><br>";

	Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> The only way to get a Gem Bag is from a certain person in Silverlake.<br><br>";

Print "[<A href=tricity.php>Back to Town?</a>]"; 

exit; } 

else {
		Print "<b>Store Assistant:</b> How are you getting on with that ";
if ($stat[gembag] == 1) { print "<i>Small Gem Bag</i>"; }
if ($stat[gembag] == 2) { print "<i>Gem Bag</i>"; }
print "?<br> Normally you could upgrade that tiny thing! (For a Small Fee) But right now we are out of Stock.<br><br><br>";

Print "[<a href=gemstore.php?view=smith>Visit the Gem Smith</a>]  [<A href=tricity.php>Back to Town</a>]";

if ($view == smith) {
print "<br><br><br><br><b>Gemsmith:</b> I suppose you want me to turn them Puny things into something a little.. Bigger? Well its gonna cost ya <i>250</i> Credits Per Medium and <i>1000</i> Credits per Large. I must warn you, Gem smithing isnt an exact Science, things tend to go wrong.. at your Expense!";

Print "<br><br>[<a href=gemstore.php?view=topaz>Topaz</a>] [<a href=gemstore.php?view=emerald>emeralds</a>] [<a href=gemstore.php?view=ruby>Rubys</a>] [<a href=gemstore.php?view=sapphire>Sapphires</a>]";
if ($stat[shaman] >=  { print "<br><br><a href=gemstore.php?view=work>Work for the Gem Smith</a>"; }

if ($view == topaz) {

Print "<br><br><br><br>You currently have <b>$stat[scrystals] Small Topaz</b> and <b>$stat[mcrystals] Medium Topaz</b> in your Possesion.<br><br>What would you like to do?<br><br><br></b>";

Print "[<a href=gemstore.php?step=mtopaz>Make a Medium Topaz</a>]";
if ($stat[gsmith] == 1) { print " [<a href=gemstore.php?step=ltopaz>Make a Large Topaz</a>]"; }

if ($step == mtopaz) {

if ($stat[credits] < 250){

Print "<br><br><br>You only have $stat[credits] Credits. Thats not enough!";
include ("footer.php");


elseif ($stat[scrystals] < 10){

Print "<br><br><br><br>You only have $stat[scrystals] Topaz. Thats not enough!";


mysql_query("update players set credits=credits-250 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set scrystals=scrystals-10 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set mcrystals=mcrystals+1 where id=$stat[id]");

Print"<br><br><br><b>Success!!</b>.. You gained <i>1 Medium Topaz</i>!";


if ($step == ltopaz) {

elseif ($stat[credits] < 1000){                                                       // ERROR

Print "<br><br><br>You only have $stat[credits] Credits. Thats not enough!";
include ("footer.php");


elseif ($stat[mtopaz] < 10){

Print "<br><br><br><br>You only have $stat[mcrystals] Topaz. Thats not enough!";


mysql_query("update players set credits=credits-250 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set mcrystals=mcrystals-10 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set lcrystals=lcrystals+1 where id=$stat[id]");

Print"<br><br><br><b>Success!!</b>.. You gained <i>1 Large Crystal</i>!";


if ($view == emerald) {

Print "<br><br><br><br>You currently have <b>$stat[semeralds] Small Emeralds</b> and <b>$stat[memeralds] Medium Emeralds</b> in your Possesion.<br><br>What would you like to do?<br><br><br></b>";

Print "[<a href=gemstore.php?step=memerald>Make a Medium Emeralds</a>]";
if ($stat[gsmith] == 1) { print " [<a href=gemstore.php?step=lemerald>Make a Large Emeralds</a>]"; }

if ($step == memerald) {

if ($stat[credits] < 250){

Print "<br><br><br>You only have $stat[credits] Credits. Thats not enough!";
include ("footer.php");


elseif ($stat[semeralds] < 10){

Print "<br><br><br><br>You only have $stat[semeralds] Emeralds. Thats not enough!";


mysql_query("update players set credits=credits-250 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set semeralds=semeralds-10 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set memeralds=memeralds+1 where id=$stat[id]");

Print"<br><br><br><b>Success!!</b>.. You gained <i>1 Medium Emerald</i>!";


if ($step == lemerald) {

if ($stat[credits] < 1000){

Print "<br><br><br>You only have $stat[credits] Credits. Thats not enough!";
include ("footer.php");


elseif ($stat[memeralds] < 10){

Print "<br><br><br><br>You only have $stat[memeralds] Emeralds. Thats not enough!";


mysql_query("update players set credits=credits-250 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set memeralds=memeralds-10 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set lemeralds=lemeralds+1 where id=$stat[id]");

Print"<br><br><br><b>Success!!</b>.. You gained <i>1 Large Emerald</i>!";


if ($view == ruby) {

Print "<br><br><br><br>You currently have <b>$stat[srubys] Small Rubies</b> and <b>$stat[mrubys] Medium Rubiess</b> in your Possesion.<br><br>What would you like to do?<br><br><br></b>";

Print "[<a href=gemstore.php?step=mruby>Make a Medium Rubys</a>]";
if ($stat[gsmith] == 1) { print " [<a href=gemstore.php?step=lruby>Make a Large Rubys</a>]"; }

if ($step == mruby) {

if ($stat[credits] < 250){

Print "<br><br><br>You only have $stat[credits] Credits. Thats not enough!";
include ("footer.php");


elseif ($stat[srubys] < 10){

Print "<br><br><br><br>You only have $stat[srubys] Rubys. Thats not enough!";


mysql_query("update players set credits=credits-250 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set srubys=srubys-10 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set mrubys=mrubys+1 where id=$stat[id]");

Print"<br><br><br><b>Success!!</b>.. You gained <i>1 Medium Ruby</i>!";


if ($step == lruby) {

if ($stat[credits] < 1000){

Print "<br><br><br>You only have $stat[credits] Credits. Thats not enough!";
include ("footer.php");


elseif ($stat[mrubys] < 10){

Print "<br><br><br><br>You only have $stat[mrubys] Rubys. Thats not enough!";


mysql_query("update players set credits=credits-250 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set mrubys=mrubys-10 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set lrubys=lrubys+1 where id=$stat[id]");

Print"<br><br><br><b>Success!!</b>.. You gained <i>1 Large Ruby</i>!";


if ($view == sapphire) {

Print "<br><br><br><br>You currently have <b>$stat[ssapphires] Small Sapphires</b> and <b>$stat[msapphires] Medium Sapphires</b> in your Possesion.<br><br>What would you like to do?<br><br><br></b>";

Print "[<a href=gemstore.php?step=msapphire>Make a Medium Sapphires</a>]";
if ($stat[gsmith] == 1) { print " [<a href=gemstore.php?step=lsapphire>Make a Large Sapphires</a>]"; }

if ($step == msapphire) {

if ($stat[credits] < 250){

Print "<br><br><br>You only have $stat[credits] Credits. Thats not enough!";
include ("footer.php");


elseif ($stat[ssapphires] < 10){

Print "<br><br><br><br>You only have $stat[ssapphires] Sapphires. Thats not enough!";


mysql_query("update players set credits=credits-250 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set ssapphires=ssapphires-10 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set msapphires=msapphires+1 where id=$stat[id]");

Print"<br><br><br><b>Success!!</b>.. You gained <i>1 Medium Sapphire</i>!";


if ($step == lsapphire) {

if ($stat[credits] < 1000){

Print "<br><br><br>You only have $stat[credits] Credits. Thats not enough!";
include ("footer.php");


elseif ($stat[msapphires] < 10){

Print "<br><br><br><br>You only have $stat[msapphires] Sapphires. Thats not enough!";


mysql_query("update players set credits=credits-250 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set msapphires=msapphires-10 where id=$stat[id]");
mysql_query("update players set lsapphires=lsapphires+1 where id=$stat[id]");

Print"<br><br><br><b>Success!!</b>.. You gained <i>1 Large Sapphire</i>!";


<?php include("footer.php"); ?>



Am i using Else if in an incorect way?

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@poco: It's a brace ;) A bracket is [ (at least that's what I call them).


@monk3h: Your code is pretty, uhh, all over the place. Just looking through it at a glance, you've got so much repeated code that you could clean up and make it MUCH easier to read. Also, I can't even follow the if else logic. With so many nested ifs and elses, I really have to wonder if you can even follow it, lol ;) Honestly, you should really look through it and see if you can bring out some of those statements to make it easier.



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