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PHP Asking to Download instead of Execute on 2 PHP Pages


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I have a phpbb forum. At work on our network, starting yesterday, it asks to download 2 php pages of my site instead of exceuting and displaying the page. portal.php and index.php are the culprits. I can goto all other pages on the site fine. Up until yesterday they worked fine. Note that it is the same on our entire network. However, everyone else (including me from home) can see the pages fine. Things I have done since this started happening, made changes to a .htaccess file, and browsed to the site from an anonymous browser from work. Here is my .htaccess


DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm portal.php index.php

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mysite.com$ [OR]


Options +FollowSymlinks

RewriteEngine on

rewritecond %{http_host} ^mysite.com [nc]

rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://www.mysite.com/$1 [r=301,nc] '


I am on hostgator, using cpanel. They run PHP 5. The culprit site is an addon domain of my main domain. Please let me know if you need any other info to help resolve.

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Nope. Same problem. Lol I did not even think to try that though. That eliminates .htaccess as the problem. It seems like some kind of MIME issue. I wonder if I have to do some kind of AddType any other ideas?

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i assume the PHP file that downloaded is blank! (or atleast contains no php code)


if not then thats a BIG issule..


MIME type should be (close to)

application/x-httpd-php - php php3 php4 php5 php6

but that affects ALL php pages


try creating a test page



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There is definately code in it. Remember, those 2 files run fine and display fine everywhere but in my network. However, using the same code, installed on a different site it works fine in my network. for some reason there is something about that specific site that is not right, and whatever it is, its only apparent to browsers in my network at work.

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i mean, when it prompts you to download the files.. if you do download them (from that prompt) and then open the files in notepad (or textedit) does it still contain the code ? the file on the site will contain the code but does the download copy also contain it ?

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Okay let me check the facts..


from outside your network, it parses fine (displays fine) but internal it shows the source code?


if this is the case then it seams more of a network structure or apache issule,


is the server at your office or at hostgator (what riole does hostgator play)



my mine is

application/x-httpd-php php php3 php4 php5 php6


application/x-httpd-php5 php php3 php4 php5 php6


also i have

application/x-httpd-php-source phps

phps ONLY



(sorry leaving work now, will check this post when i'm at home)


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Hostgator is my host, they have the server in their posession. It does seem more like a network thing but this only happened immediately after I deleted an .htaccess and brosed to the site from an anonymous browser. We are not on a proxy, and my cache is completely cleared. I kinda think its a network issue too but I was just wondering if someone can lead me down the right path of fixing it since the rest of the php pages display fine.

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