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... All you had to do was ask  ;D


here is the first chunk, on upload.php


mysql_select_db($database_vamsys, $vamsys);
$parseObj = new parse("Templates/$zip_dir/install.sql");
$res = $parseObj->startParsing();


on the parse.class.php:



class parse
   var $file;
   function parse($file)
   * @purpose : Sets filename to be parsed
   * @params $file
   * @return none
   function setFile($file)
      $this->file = $file;

   * @purpose : Gets filename to be parsed
   * @params none
   * @return filename
   function getFile()
      return $this->file;
   * @purpose : Parses SQL file
   * @params none
   * @return none

   function startParsing()

      $file = $this->getFile();   
     // Getting the SQL file content  
     $content = file_get_contents($file);
     // Processing the SQL file content    
     $file_content = explode("\n",$content);   
     $query = "";
    // Parsing the SQL file content    
    foreach($file_content as $sql_line)
       if(trim($sql_line) != "" && strpos($sql_line, "--") === false)
          $query .= $sql_line;
         // Checking whether the line is a valid statement
         if(preg_match("/(.*);/", $sql_line))
            $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-1); 
           //Executing the parsed string, returns the error code in failure
           $result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());
           $query = "";
    } //End of foreach
  return true; 
   } //End of function
} //End of class


it works fine, however it seems to be repeating everything in the sql file twice?!

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I believe it's because you have a method named the same as your class, making it a constructor.  Your constructor automatically gets run when you create your object, which runs your setfile/startparsing methods, but then you turn around and run the method again here:


$res = $parseObj->startParsing();

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okay so now you renamed your class.  You make a new object, passing your file name. You then execute startparsing() ...and it's trying to getfile but you never passed it the filename because your parse method that was acting as a constructor did that before, and now it's not doing that.  So now you have to pass your argument over to it from inside your startparsing method.

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Okay, you renamed your class. So if I read your script right, what should work is, instead of doing this:

$parseObj = new parse("Templates/$zip_dir/install.sql");
$res = $parseObj->startParsing();

do this:

$parseObj = new parsed(); // you did rename it to parsed, right?
// $res = $parseObj->startParsing(); old method call
// call this instead, passing the filename to it
$res = $parseObj->parse("Templates/$zip_dir/install.sql"); 



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