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Hey guys,


I'm pretty sure this uses javascript, but I thought I'd post it in here as I have no knowledge of javascript and hoping there is some other way to do it.


I have a variable, this is set using the time() feature and is obviously a large number like 1203394304  I then add 5 minutes to it - time()+300;


and then minus the value, this gives a value in seconds of like 230 or something.


At the moment it displays:


You have 1 minute 23 Seconds until...


but this updates only when you refresh the page, I want the timer to auto count-down.  Does anyone know how to do that??



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You are right.  You need Javascript to do this.  Or you can use some html code to auto-refresh it to get an update, but that's not really the same...php is a server side language. Everything is parsed on the server and then sent to the client.  Once it's done, that's the end of that, as far as php is concerned.

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