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Internal sever error happening with mod-rewrite, why!


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I'm quite sure that I'm messing up in the mod-rewrite syntax. Why? Well, I try something like this and I DONT get an internal server error and it works just fine:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /q/
RewriteRule ^pic\.gif$ pic.php



HOWEVER, when I try doing this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /q/
RewriteRule ^/l/(.+?)\.gif$ pic.php?q=$1


I DO get an internal server error! :(


So If you can't see the expression i'm trying to do already, i'll explain it for you.

I have a directory named 'q' which is 1 past the root, from afar it will look like this:

root/q/  ->files are in here


So I write RewriteBase /q/


I want to redirect all urls formed like this:

http://root/q/l/jkasdlfj89u8923498234.gif      to      http://root/q/pic.php?u=jkasdlfj89u8923498234


You see the pattern here?


So how can I write it and it will work without internal server error? You saw my attempt already.





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Hey, um you have errors in your regex. You must escape slashes.


So do:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /q/
RewriteRule ^\/l\/(.+?)\.gif$ pic.php?q=$1


Well please feel free to contact me on aim anytime I didn't mean to scare you away.

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