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[SOLVED] bbcode 'code' box help


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Okay, I'm trying to create a bbcode function, which I've got working perfectly except for the code box.

At the moment I'm using this regex for it:


replacing it with this:

<div class="code"><div class="head">code:</div><pre>$1</pre></div>

Which works fine. The problem is that if the code text has any bbcode formatting inside it, it still formats it. For example:

[code]hello this is [b]bold[/b] and this is a [link=google.com]link[/link]


would create the code box, but also format the bold text and create the url link.

How would I go about displaying them as text inside the code box, instead of formatting them, like it is with this website?

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htmlspecialchars isn't going to stop the bbcode being changed to html though. For example any


inside of a code tag will be changed to:


unlike on this forum where it doesn't change bbcode placed within a code tag

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I'd create a dedicated function to parse code tags. I'd then use str_replace to convert [ and ] to their html entities equivalent.


function parse_code($code)
    $code = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('& #91;', '& #93;'), $code); // remove the space between & and #. The forum messes this up

    $output = '<div class="code"><div class="head">code:</div><pre>' . $code . '</pre></div>';

    return $output;

$text = '[b]Bold test[/b]

[code]Add code here no [b]bbcode[/b] should get parsed



// replace code tags first

$text = preg_replace('|\

[code\](.+?)\[/code\]|es', "parse_code('$1')", $text);
$text = preg_replace('|\[b\](.+?)\[/b\]|s', '<b>$1</b>', $text);

echo $text;[/code]

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thanks for the idea wildteen. I've been mucking about with that idea, but it seems as thouygh you can't pass a function through the replacement in preg_repace. If I use something like this:

function replace($text){
return str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('& #91;', '& #93;'), $text);

$text = '[ code]Add code here no [b]bbcode[/b] should get parsed[ /code]';

$text = preg_replace('(\[code\](.+?)\[/code\])s', "replace('$1')", $text);


what it actually outputs is this:

('Add code here no [b]bbcode[/b] should get parsed')

Not it removes the function name, but keeps the brackets and ' for it and also doesn't call the function itself. I've tried several different variations of calling the function, including:

$text = preg_replace('(\[code\](.+?)\[/code\])s', replace("$1"), $text);

but that just passes the literal value $1 and not the preg_replace $1.

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Okay I've got it working without using a separate function and a couple of preg_replaces:

function create($text, $order = 'id'){
	$text = nl2br(htmlentities(trim($text)));
	if(is_array($codes = $this->collect())){ //this collects the bbcode regex from a database
		foreach($codes as $code){ //loops through each regex
			if($code['title'] == 'formatted text'){ //if it's the [code] then...
				preg_match_all($code['regex'], $text, $return, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); //finds all the text within code blocks

				if(isset($return[1]) && is_array($return[1])){
					for($i = 0; $i < count($return[1]); $i++){
						$r[1] = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('&#91;', '&#93;'), $return[1][$i]); //then replaces all of the bbcode brackets inside
						$r[0] = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('\[', '\]'), $return[1][$i]); //and adds slashes to the found text so I can use it in a regex to replace the text
						$text = preg_replace('|(\[code\])('.$r[0].')(\[/code\])|', '$1'.$r[1].'$3', $text, -1, $c);
			$text = preg_replace($code['regex'], $code['replace'], $text);
		$text = 'ERROR COLLECTING BBCODE!<br />' . $text;

	return $text;


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dont know if this will help but this is BBcode that works i found it on a post on the very last page on the php help.  i got bored waiting for an answer so i was looking if anyone else had the same problem as me and found this if it dont help sorry for wasting your time but if it does at least i may have helped you out.


function PHPEncode($String) {
  preg_match_all("|\[code\].+?\[/code\]|ims", $String, $matches);
  $phpOld = array();
  $phpNew = array();
  foreach ($matches[0] as $orig) {
    $phpOld[] = $orig;
    $new = str_replace(array('<','>','<br />','<br>'), array('<','>',"\n","\n"), $orig);
    $new = trim(preg_replace("|\[code\](.+?)\[/code\]|ims", "$1", $new));
    $phpNew[] = "<div class='snippetTitle'>PHP Code:</div>\n<div class='codeSnippet'>" . highlight_string($new, true) . "</div>\n";

  $String = str_replace($phpOld, $phpNew, $String);
  return $String;


you clicked solved before i finished so i guess it dont matter now anyway

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thanks kev.

It's similar to what I'm now using, although it does something quite different (mainly replacing < and > instead of [ and ]).

I think my code is better for my needs and works fine. Thanks for the info though!

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sound i have not tried to do what you are at the min so i was unsure if it could help you but it might of done so i thought i would put it up for you.  if i can help i will try if i dont know i will have a go.

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thanks for the idea wildteen. I've been mucking about with that idea, but it seems as thouygh you can't pass a function through the replacement in preg_repace. If I use something like this:

function replace($text){
return str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('& #91;', '& #93;'), $text);

$text = '[ code]Add code here no [b]bbcode[/b] should get parsed[ /code]';

$text = preg_replace('(\[code\](.+?)\[/code\])s', "replace('$1')", $text);


what it actually outputs is this:

('Add code here no [b]bbcode[/b] should get parsed')

Not it removes the function name, but keeps the brackets and ' for it and also doesn't call the function itself. I've tried several different variations of calling the function, including:

$text = preg_replace('(\[code\](.+?)\[/code\])s', replace("$1"), $text);

but that just passes the literal value $1 and not the preg_replace $1.

That's because you have to use the e regex modifier (at the end of your regex pattern):

$text = preg_replace('(\[code\](.+?)\[/code\])es', replace("$1"), $text);

Aslo make sure you parse your code bbcodes before any other bbcodes.

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