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Importing CSV files - Quatations marks appear as a ? mark


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Hello all- I thank you greatly in advance for any help...


I have a CSV file I am importing into my MySQL database and have a problem:


One of the cells I am importing uses quotations marks in the description (they need to be there!), but unfortunately, when I import it changes the quatations mark to a ? mark sign.


I changed "Fields terminated by" to a "+" and changed "fields enclosed by" to a ","... but this did nothing for me.


Again, I'd appreciate any help.



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Those aren't regular quotes you're dealing with...they are 'Magic Quotes'!


And a magical pain in the ass.  Try replacing them as follows:


$string = preg_replace('/[\x91\x92]/u', "'", $string);

$string = preg_replace('/[\x93\x94]/u', '"', $string);


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Oh wow, so right now the cell reads:


W90” x D39” x H31”


In the CSV file what would I change that to read???


Is this what you are saying?


W90string = preg_replace('/[\x91\x92]/u', "'", $string);

$string = preg_replace('/[\x93\x94]/u', '"', $string); x D39string = preg_replace('/[\x91\x92]/u', "'", $string);

$string = preg_replace('/[\x93\x94]/u', '"', $string); x H31string = preg_replace('/[\x91\x92]/u', "'", $string);

$string = preg_replace('/[\x93\x94]/u', '"', $string);



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sorry i should've explained that better. 


I was giving advice on how to replace magic quotes with normal quotes in a php script, which you could do prior to an INSERT query. I'm not sure how you would issue this command in a text editor.  If nobody else answers here, just look up 'find and replace magic quotes'  on google.

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