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curl and openssl install problems in WAMP

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I'm very familiar with php and its extensions on Linux, but not so much with WAMP. I'm working with a client who has the AppServ package and needs to have the LibCurl, CURL, and OpenSSL extensions installed. I've read many tutorials on these installations and still have had no luck. After almost every change I restart the Apache server, and php throws an error on my test script that says it does not recognise the curl functions such as curl_init().


This is really important that I figure this out. Most of the tutorials I've found are specific for PHP4... This leads me to believe that there might be something wrong with the AppServ package install. Maybe it came with a version of PHP that didn't have some modules installed or ready to be installed properly. Again, I'm very familiar with PHP and its installation, just not with WAMP. Can any experts maybe give me some advice? Something I'm missing?


here's a link to the tutorial:


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http://weakmachines.blogspot.com/2009/07/how-to-use-apache-with-openssl-on.html - here's the easy way to install openssl. For Curl , you 'll need to get dll file and include it in php.ini


I'm very familiar with php and its extensions on Linux, but not so much with WAMP. I'm working with a client who has the AppServ package and needs to have the LibCurl, CURL, and OpenSSL extensions installed. I've read many tutorials on these installations and still have had no luck. After almost every change I restart the Apache server, and php throws an error on my test script that says it does not recognise the curl functions such as curl_init().


This is really important that I figure this out. Most of the tutorials I've found are specific for PHP4... This leads me to believe that there might be something wrong with the AppServ package install. Maybe it came with a version of PHP that didn't have some modules installed or ready to be installed properly. Again, I'm very familiar with PHP and its installation, just not with WAMP. Can any experts maybe give me some advice? Something I'm missing?


here's a link to the tutorial:


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