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sever error, wont do plus sums +


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hi i have recently bought a sever and dont know much about them but noticed now i've moved my website onto my own sever it wont do the following:

$user=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'"));

////////// here is where is doesn't work it doesn't add these together
$newmoney=$user->money + $newcash;
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newmoney' WHERE username='$username'");

however it will do this:
////// it'll minus the money just dont add it.
$newmoney=$user->money - $newcash;
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$newmoney' WHERE username='$username'");

and it'll do this:
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$newcash WHERE username='$username'");

this worked perfectly on my hosting account now i have my own sever it seems to be a problem what dod i need to configure to make it work? thanks 

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Have you moved to a different version of php?


You may need to check this as sites built on one version can break on differnent ones (particularly with classes from php 5-> 4 as 4 doesn't support "public" "private")

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The only reasonably way that would fail is if the values were close to the limit that could be held in a variable or in your column in your table. Show what the actual values are that don't work. What are $newmoney and $user->money when you echo them?


If they echo correctly, post your table definition.


Also, you don't state exactly what it is doing? Is there a php or mysql error? Does the value stay the same? Does the value change but is not correct?

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