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[SOLVED] Writing CSV File Data Into MYSQL Database


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Hi Guys!

Well For A School im Creating a script for a certain service and What i need it to do is Well a program on the server outputs a .csv file daily and what i need to do is have it  so every day the PHP script Take that data and imports into a MYSQL database for later use Ive looked around on google for Help But Most Doesnt Exactly do what i want to do Would you guys be able to help me with this Thanks Any Suggestions please comment

Ill Put Your User name in Credits for Helping Because i can i and come to PHPFreaks Often and yea!

Thanks For Your Time.

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$csv_file = "test.csv";
$fh = fopen($csv_file, "r");
$csv_data = fread($fh, filesize($csv_file));
$data_array = explode("\n", $csv_data);
foreach ($data_array as $value){
$new_value = str_replace(",", "', '", $value);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `table` VALUES('$new_value');";

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Ive tried using it This is what im doing:


Main Script:

$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'root';
$dbpass = 'pass';
$dbname = 'webmeterread';
$csv_file = "test.csv";
$fh = fopen($csv_file, "r");
$csv_data = fread($fh, filesize($csv_file));
$data_array = explode("\n", $csv_data);
mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql');
foreach ($data_array as $value){
$new_value = str_replace(",", "', '", $value);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `coredata` VALUES('$new_value');";




SQL Database:

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 2.11.4
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Jun 07, 2008 at 01:12 PM
-- Server version: 5.0.51
-- PHP Version: 5.2.5


-- Database: `webmeterread`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `coredata`

  `First` text NOT NULL,
  `Last` text NOT NULL,
  `Email` text NOT NULL

-- Dumping data for table `coredata`

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Sorry my server doesn't have Cron Jobs that doesn't matter though I found out now that the File isn't actually CSV (Comma separated) Its Tab Delimited Does anyone know how to Take the data from this and insert it into a MYSQL database?

Here is the type of document im trying to import:


StartTime=10/04/2008 15:49:00								

Record No	Date/Time	Current Ph-A  Avg	Current Ph-B  Avg	Current Ph-C  Avg	Phase Angle Ph-A  Avg	Phase Angle Ph-B  Avg	Phase Angle Ph-C  Avg	Status
	(0x00009080)	(0x00009081)	(0x00009082)	(0x00009095)	(0x00009096)	(0x00009097)	
14078	20/04/2008 10:27	0.8	1	1.1	49.4	68.6	52.8	.......
14079	20/04/2008 10:28	0.8	1	1.1	49.7	68.8	52.9	.......
14080	20/04/2008 10:29	0.8	1	1.1	49.6	68.7	52.8	.......
14081	20/04/2008 10:30	0.8	1	1.1	49.5	68.6	52.8	.......
14082	20/04/2008 10:31	0.8	1	1.1	49.5	68.6	52.8	.......
14083	20/04/2008 10:32	3.3	3.4	3.5	49.2	66.9	52.6	.......
14084	20/04/2008 10:33	17.2	15.1	16.2	67.1	67.7	74.6	.......
14085	20/04/2008 10:34	0.8	1	1.1	50.3	69	52.9	.......
14086	20/04/2008 10:35	0.8	1	1.1	50.3	69	52.9	.......
14087	20/04/2008 10:36	0.8	1	1.1	50.5	69.3	53.2	.......
14088	20/04/2008 10:37	20.2	17.5	19.1	60.8	62.7	69.8	.......
14089	20/04/2008 10:38	6.5	5.4	6.3	56.8	69.3	62.9	.......
14090	20/04/2008 10:39	0.8	1	1.1	50.3	69.2	53.4	.......
14091	20/04/2008 10:40	0.8	1	1.1	50.2	69.1	53.3	.......
14092	20/04/2008 10:41	0.8	1	1.1	50.1	69	53.2	.......


The data im trying to import is this:

Record No	Date/Time	Current Ph-A  Avg	Current Ph-B  Avg	Current Ph-C  Avg Phase Angle Ph-A  Avg	Phase Angle Ph-B  Avg	Phase Angle Ph-C  Avg	Status
14078	20/04/2008 10:27	0.8	1	1.1	49.4	68.6	52.8	.......

But everything like that the file isnt this small its 1.3mb

So i dont want these: (0x00009097) or

StartTime=10/04/2008 15:49:00	

So would anyone have some code that can import Tab Delimited Data into Mysql

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