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[SOLVED] onClick event in Firefox


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Hey Guys,


From what i can see many people have had similiar problems as i am having. I consider myself a complete noob to javascrpt and am having serious problems with the below.


basically, its a image that i have mapped with different co-ordinates, what i want is when a user clicks on a section of the image a function must execute.


The below works perfectly in IE and Opera but i cant get it to work in Firefox.



     <img src="images/colorWheel.jpg" width="241" height="237" border="0" usemap="#Map" onMouseover="this.style.cursor='pointer'"/>


then here is one of the area's code within the image

<map name="Map" id="Map">
  <area shape="poly" coords="149,79,185,35,204,53,160,89" onClick="colorShow('#ff8000')" />


i have removed many of the shapes as they all pretty much do the same thing. the function colorShow() is not being executed at all in firefox.


please help :)





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Hi, nevermind, i finally found my problem.


the external js file i was using was being defined like this:


<script type="text/jscript" src="includes/colorWheelAllocate.js"></script> 


So i changed it to teh below and its working perfectly now :)


<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/colorWheelAllocate.js"></script> 

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