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Permissions help


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I am trying to sort out permissions for when the user logins in so if there friend or family they will switch to a different userpanel but i have tried this:


$conn = mysql_connect('BLANK', 'BLANK', 'BLANK') or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('BLANK', $conn);
// Start session

// Check if user is logged in
if(isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
// User is logged in!
$query = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM login
			   WHERE ID = " . $_SESSION['user_id'] )
			   or die(mysql_error());

list($username) = mysql_fetch_row($query);

echo 'Hi '. $username . ', welcome to your profile!';

} else {

// User not logged in
echo 'Please login before opening the user panel.';


// This allows me to change the content the person will see
if($_SESSION['rank'] == "friend")
echo include "friendpanel.php";
if($_SESSION['rank'] == "admin")
echo include "admincontrol.php";


Can anyone see whats wrong with it?

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it grabs the $username and thats all. the problem is here. There is no $_SESSION['rank'] so none of that code is ever executed. Maybe in your DB you can store the username along with who that person is ie: admin,friend

then you grab that value and store it in a variable such as $who then we can do:


if($who == "friend")


echo include "friendpanel.php";


if($who == "admin")


echo include "admincontrol.php";


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I made a field in my DB called rank so the person could automacially decide if they want them to have certain rights,


i added a session of the rank above the two options which it would bring up the correct usercontrol for them, but i haven't define what $_SESSION = [rank] is so all it knows is that [rank] equals a session. I hope that actually made sense? I have stripped all the rank out and going to start again to add it in so i don't mess up my login script so far

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